Video Games
Musical Instruments
Famous Landmarks

Known for their incredible sense of smell and floppy ears, this breed of dog is often used by police and law enforcement for tracking.

What is the Bloodhound?


In this game, players build and explore pixelated worlds, where they can mine resources, craft items, and fend off creatures.

What is "Minecraft"?


This large brass instrument wraps around the player's body and has a deep, resonant tone, commonly found in marching bands and orchestras.

What is a tuba?


Known for its beautiful arc of colors, this meteorological phenomenon occurs when sunlight is refracted by water droplets in the atmosphere.

What is a rainbow?


Known as the "City of Love," this European city is home to the Eiffel Tower, a towering symbol of romance and engineering.

What is Paris?


This dog breed has a name that means "dwarf dog" in French, and it's famous for its poofy hair and lion-like appearance.

What is the Poodle?


This franchise allows players to capture and train fantastical creatures to battle others in a quest to become the champion.

What is "Pokémon"?


This brass instrument has three valves and is known for its bold, clear sound, often taking lead roles in bands and orchestras.

What is a trumpet?


This severe weather condition, characterized by strong winds and heavy precipitation, can be classified into categories based on its wind speed.

What is a hurricane?


This iconic statue, a gift from France, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, symbolizing freedom and democracy.

What is the Statue of Liberty?


This breed, known for its distinctive blue-black tongue, is one of the oldest and was once used in China to guard palaces.

What is the Chow Chow?


This game series lets players take on the role of a heroic adventurer exploring dungeons, solving puzzles, and battling creatures to save the kingdom of Hyrule.

What is "The Legend of Zelda"?


This instrument, often made of wood, metal, or plastic, is played by blowing air across a hole at one end to create sound.

What is a flute?


This term describes a rapid, intense downfall of snow that can accumulate quickly, creating reduced visibility, and causing travel disruptions and sometimes leading to snow days off from school.

What is a blizzard?


This historic fortification, made of stone and earthen works, stretches across the northern borders of China.

What is the Great Wall of China?


This tiny but mighty dog breed is known for its fearless nature and distinctive bat-like ears, making it a popular choice among pet lovers who prefer small breeds.

What is the French Bulldog?


In this online platform, users can create, share, and play games created by others, featuring a wide range of genres and experiences, making it especially popular among kids and teenagers.

What is "Roblox"?


This stringed instrument is held under the chin and played with a bow, often leading the sections in an orchestra.

What is a violin?


This type of cloud, often associated with thunderstorms, has a towering shape that can reach high into the atmosphere, indicating strong updrafts and potential severe weather.

What is a cumulonimbus cloud?


Located in Arizona, USA, this natural wonder is known for its visually overwhelming size and its intricate and colorful landscape.

What is the Grand Canyon?


This dog breed, originating from Central Africa, is recognized for its almost hairless appearance and was once believed to possess magical healing powers. It's nicknamed the "barkless" dog. 

What is the Basenji?


Known for its heartwarming story and unique mechanics, this game lets players live in a village of animals, engaging in activities like fishing, bug catching, and fossil hunting.

What is "Animal Crossing"?


This percussion instrument consists of two drums played with the hands and is often used in Latin American and Afro-Cuban music.

What are bongos?


This term describes the blanket of gases surrounding Earth, which is crucial for maintaining life and influences weather patterns.

What is the atmosphere?


This massive amphitheater in Rome is known for its gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.

What is the Colosseum?
