Families pay this much to send their child to camp
This camper is known for his agility and ability to sprint spontaneously away from Shamrock and Crispy
Dino Boy!
These are kind messages that are written from one person to another
warm and fuzzies
This is a repeat after me song
"This is a repeat after me song"
This counselor is the ONLY coord member to not go to KU
It costs this much to send a child to camp
This camper REALLY REALLY doesn't like june bugs and wears a durag
(Hint: Blue unit)
We do this before every meal
Camp Songs (the bigggg circle and clean our hands :)
One day, my boss came up to me and said
"Hey Joe, are you busy? I said no."
This counselor was the unit leader of Blue unit
Laffy Taffy
We had this many units at camp in 2022
This camper found my YouTube Channel
HINT: Blue unit
This is chanted when a real name is leaked at camp
Kiss the pole/wall/inanimate object
ARMS UP (the next different line)
wrrrrrists together
This counselor had the same name as a camper until 2022
We had this many male-identifying counselors at the end of camp in 2022
15 (plus or minus 1)
This guy is known for his ability to sing (almost rapping at one point) about Pepe
(Hint: Related to the Bills)
This is sang at the end of campfires
alma mater
Why not?
I can't or I JUST CAN'T
This counselor was a beatboxing machine for the famous rapper Scottie
We had this many campers at camp in the summer of 2022
This camper's name could mean "Fire Shadow (like a leader)" and is also known as the "Yellow Flash"
HINT: An anime reference
Fourth Hokage!
ho = fire
kage = shadow/leader
A way to stay active before the sun rises
Running Club
[hardest possible question]
and it bit me like THIS!
Like this, like this...