Where is Mrs. Graham from?
Washington DC
What time does school start?
If I am a walker/bus rider I am dismissed _______
Our principal's name is _________.
Mr. Sass
How many hand gestures do we use on a daily:
How many degrees does Mrs. Graham have?
Im must grab my ________, go to the ________ and go to my _________ ALL before entering advisory.
1. Breakfast
2. Bathroom
3. Locker
If I am being picked up, I will remain __________ with Mrs. Graham until ______________.
In the classroom
My ride arrives/I am called down for dismissal.
Our Vice Principal's name is _________.
Ms. Oblinger (KO)
The number on my desk corresponds to my _____________ and the _______ in the classroom.
my computer/data charts
What is one thing Mrs Graham loves to do?
We have _____ classes outside of Mrs Graham and they are __________ and _________.
Social studies and Digital Art
While I am waiting dismissal I can one of the following:
Read a book
Jump Start HW
If I am ever late to school I need to see the office manager ____________ for a tardy/late pass.
Ms. Johnston
Class __________ will be placed on the ____________
front board
What college did Mrs. Graham attend?
North Carolina A & T State University
Dismissal this year is at _______ or ______.
3:45 or 3:00
Regardless of how I get home, I should go ________ and __________ for anyone outside of the building.
directly home
NOT wait
We transition to and from all classes ________ as a class.
Mrs. Graham's space is her space _________ our space
Where does Mrs. Graham love to travel?
Puerto Rico or any Island.
What time does Math and ELA/Reading Start?
Math = 11:00
ELA = 1:00
Apart of our afternoon cleanup is for me to be ________________ for my space.
I enter and exit through the ______ doors
Im in need of tissue/wipes/sanitizer/mask/scratch paper, where would I find these items?
On the shelf near the HW tray.