What does KET stand for? And how long is the exam?
Key English Test / 1 hour and 50 minutes
How long is the Reading and Writing Test?
1 hour and 10 minutes
How long is the Listening paper?
30 minutes
Which are the three papers assessed in KET?
1. Reading and Writing
2. Listening
3. Speaking
What are you expected to write?
a short message or note
What will you be able to do?
Listen and understand people talking or giving information
What are the percentages for Pass and Pass with Merit?
Pass: from 70% to 84%
Pass with merit: from 85% to 100%
How long is the writing exam? How many words?
From 25 to 35 words long
What type of exercises are there in the Listening paper?
Choose or write answers
What level is KET?
What are you expected to be able to understand in the Reading paper? Be specific.
To understand information on:
* signs
* brochures
* newspaper
* magazine articles
The speaking test is 10 minutes long. What will you be able to do individually?
Answer simple questions about myself.
What can KET students do at A2 level?
* understand simple instructions and questions
* write, talk or ask about simple information, opinions or ideas
*complete forms
* write short, simple letters, messages or emails about personal information
What type of exercises does the Reading and Writing exam come with?
Fill gaps in sentences
Understand definitions and spell their words
Write a short message or note
What will you do with another candidate(s)?
Ask and answer questions about given information