Phoenix Career Services
Corporate Partners
National Industry Partners
Financial Planning Tool/IGRAD
Redefining the concept of university career-related services for our students and alumni in an integrated, innovative, highly personalized way.
What is Phoenix Career Services
The team responsible for addressing and complementing corperations' education and training challenges while serving the educational needs of working adults.
What is the Workforce Solutions Team
One department within within University of Phoenix that focuses on understanding the workforce development needs of entire industries.
What is National Industry Strategy Group
an award-winning three-week, non-credit-bearing, no-cost orientation workshop for our prospective students who declare less than 24 previous college credits on their admission application.
What is UNIV
provides potential students the ability to estimate tuition, fees, student aid, Pell grant eligibility, corporate partner tuition discounts and loan eligibility for an entire degree program. Potential students fusing financial aid loans to fund their education are shown how to borrow responsibly to maintain lower debt upon graduation
What is Financial Planning Tool
Road map to help enrolled students understand the relevancy of their academics and to help pursue their career goals.
What is My Career Plan
The WFS team collaborates with _______ and ________ on curriculum to best prepare students for successfull careers
What is Corperations.....Industry Associations
Hospitality, Retail, Criminal Justice, Health Care, Security, and Manufacuring.
What is industries the university is working with to inform curriculum and design programs.
UNIV____is offered for those planning to attend class in the online environment, and UNIV ________ is for those planning to attend class at a local campus.
What is 100 and 101
an online financial education resource that provides tools and resources to help our students better manage their finances. It’s designed to be casual, brief and easy-to-understand.
What is IGRAD
This company was aquired to assist in the upcoming career coach benifit in 2013.
What is Ready Minds
Core skills and competencies are the focus for _______
What is Relivant Curriculum
Partnerships with national industry associations enable us to understand — on a large scale — the educational needs of hundreds of thousands of employees in various industries ensuring that our students’ academic coursework is relevant to today’s workforce needs and designed to meet the needs of employers.
What is The Education to Careers connection
How UNIV Benifits students
What is Helps potential students fully understand the commitment necessary to complete a college degree while meeting family and professional obligations before they make any financial commitments. Also gives participants exposure to the University, our classroom and the tools and resources available to all University of Phoenix students.
Offering iGrad to our students and alumni is part of our commitment to the financial and repayment success of our students. We are making this available to all employees to ensure they have a general understanding and can appropriately talk about money with students.
What is How it makes us different
Qualified candidates, hiring needs, skills gap, talent acquisition, degreed professionals, talent pool, targeted search, passive candidates, active candidates
What is Employer Job Opportunities Keywords to mention
Working with many of the nations top companies through workforce solutions partnerships to bridge skill gaps and get America back to work.
What is the education to carreers connection
Key words to mention
What is Relevance of University of Phoenix curricula: We help our colleagues in Academic Affairs maintain the relevance of University of Phoenix curricula to many industry-specified competencies and skills. AND: Industry-preferred professional certificates, levels of educational attainment needed: We help our colleagues in Academic Affairs understand the relationship between industry-preferred professional certifications and levels of educational attainment needed for specific careers in industry.
Participants are introduced to Phoenix Career Services and complete the first step in the process, the Career Interests Profiler. Students also begin to put their career plan together with the Career Exploration Plan Worksheet.
What is The Education to Careers Connection
the University’s Financial Plan has a unique user flow and functionality to increase wise borrowing awareness and planning for financial aid loans.
What is How it makes us different
Provides a tool for students and alumni to search for and find employers who value their degree, and are actively searching for University of Phoenix candidates.
What is Employer Job Opportunities connection to education to careers
Key words to mention
What is tution assistance, partnerships, workforce, career and skill gaps, leadership development, key competencies, continued learning
Benifits to students
What is University of Phoenix creates Education Partnerships with the workforce development units of national industry associations and uses information gained through these relationships to design and offer programs that are relevant to support meaningful careers. As an example, the University’s Manufacturing concentration was developed in partnership with the Manufacturing Institute, the workforce development arm of the National Association of Manufacturers.
Keywords to mention List all
What is •UNIV is a condition of admission to the University for students declaring less than 24 previous college credits. •Attendance is required for students to successfully complete the workshop (101: In-person attendance at all three sessions; 100: Two posts on separate days each week). •All assignments/deliverables must be submitted by the end of the workshop for students to successfully complete the workshop. •Non-credit-bearing, no-cost orientation workshop. •Helps students understand the skills they need to be successful at University of Phoenix. •Students explore University of Phoenix Career Resources and create a Career Exploration Plan. •Students learn time management, goal setting and motivation strategies; workshop includes exclusive video content from Suze Orman and Steadman Graham. •Should not be positioned as a ―test drive‖ or ―trial run.‖
Transparency, financial plan, personalized, repayment plan, total cost, net price, responsible borrowing and Money management, informed financial decisions
What is Keywords to mention for IGRAD and Financial plan tool