This finger is used to press the ; key.
What is right pinky finger?
This top row letter is typed by your right pinky.
What is P?
This bottom row letter is typed by your left middle finger.
What is the C key?
I am the symbol that shares a keypad with the number 2.
What is the @?
I am left of the A key.
What is the caps lock key?
This letter is typed by your left ring finger.
What is W?
The letter B is typed with this finger.
What is the left pointer finger?
I am the symbol that shares a keypad with the number 8.
What is *?
Right hand home row keys.
What is J, K, L, ;
Which letters are above the right hand, home row keys?
What is U, I, O, and P?
Which letters are below the left hand home row keys?
What is Z, X, C, and V?
This is where your eyes should be when typing.
What is on the screen and not looking at hands/keyboard?
Left hand home row keys.
What is A, S, D, and F?
These top row keys are above the left hand, home key.
What is Q, W, E, and R?
These bottom row keys are above the right hand home keys.
What is N, M, , . /
What is words per minute?
This key is the tip for the pyramid: C, V.
What is the F key?
All the top row keys
What is Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, [, ], and \?
All the bottom row keys.
What is Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, , . /
These fingers are used to spell "cat".
What is left middle finger, left pinky finger, and left pointer finger?