When did God create the heavens an the earth?
In the beginning
What was the one command that God gave Adam and Eve?
Not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Who is the man responsible for the great escape of Israel from Egypt?
Which tribe had the responsibility of being priests?
The Levites
In whose image was man made?
Jesus and God's
The serpent convinced Eve to sin, who convinced Adam?
What holiday is celebrated due to the final plague of Egypt?
The Passover
Where was God's dwelling place in the wilderness?
In the tabernacle
Jesus was born in this town.
How many days did it take God to create the world and everything in it?
6 days
God cursed the serpent directly. What did God curse instead of Adam?
The ground.
What two forms did God take when he led the people out of Egypt?
A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night
Why was a curtain needed in the tabernalce to seperate us from God?
Why did Joseph take Jesus and his mother to Egypt.
To escape Herod, who was killing males under the age of two.
God formed Adam from dust, from what was Eve formed?
Adam's rib
Who will "bruise the serpent's head"?
Who wrote the Ten Commandments on stone tablets?
This contains the ten commandment tablets, a jar of mana, and Aaron's rod.
The Ark of the Covenant.
Who is Jesus cousin who prepared the people's hearts for the message of Jesus?
John the Baptist.
What did Adam and Eve wear for clothing in the garden?
Nothing, they were naked.
Because of sin, to what must we return?
What is the first commandment?
You shall have no other gods before God.
What does covenant mean?
an agreement or promise
What were the three gifts given to Jesus by the wisemen?