Batch Jobs
Credit Reporting
Conversion Exception Reports
Double Jeopardy

10000763 L2003 is showing as $0.00 available. Why?

The Available Calculation under the Loan Type is set to None. 


When running Next Posting Day, you are getting the following exception:

New Posting Date of MM/DD/YYYY must be submitted to start between MM/DD/YYYY 23:00:00 PDT and MM/DD/YYYY 01:00:00 PDT

What is causing this issue?

The Posting Date Cutoff Batch Start Time Minimum and the Posting Date Cutoff Batch Start Time Maximum limits the timeframe of when the Next Posting Date batch program can run.


L1 Segments are included in which credit reporting file?

A. All files out of Keystone

B. The first file out of Keystone

C. The second file out of Keystone

C. None it's a separate custom report

B. The first file out of Keystone


True or False - Conversion Reports should only be reviewed after Mock 1.

False - We should review conversion reports with the Preliminary Database build. Not all reports/exceptions will be relevant but we should review any exceptions that are high risk with the CU as well as any exceptions that are CU cleanup. 


In /Corelation, if a reoccurring transaction post to a member's account and uses Courtesy Pay, which field(s) controls whether courtesy pay will be used?

Courtesy Pay Limit and Courtesy Pay ATM and Other.


Your CU has a right of offset recovery script. Which batch program in Keystone is comparable to this CU script? Describes how it works.

Delinquency Transfer Posting. The program will transfer available funds from shares to cover delinquent loans and negative shares that are in the same account. 


Which Keystone field is used to report the Highest Balance on a line of credit loan?

A. Credit Limit/Approved Amount

B. Acquisition Balance

C. Original Balance

D. Highest Transaction History Balance since open date

C. Original Balance


Explain the purpose of the Breakout Report and which conversion milestone does it greatly benefit?

This report provides an overview of how Keystone fields were set. It's useful to determine how standard code brought information over and can be leveraged during Database Mapping. 


Which setting in Keystone will allow you to link a Distribution to an ACH Origination?

The Transaction Category within the ACH Origination record needs to be set to Local Deposit.


Which batch program is responsible to moving balances from split interest rate records into the loan record's credit card buckets? What operation must it be set to?

Loan Maintenance Batch Program and Rate Termination


For 10001001 L0003, the loan type is Unsecured Loan. What Credit Reporting Portfolio Type is this loan going to report as?

R - Revolving. This is indicated as an Credit Reporting Portfolio Type Override under the individual loan record.


Explain this exception found in the Conv Review Report:

# LOC or credit card with duedate over 31 days ahead

Why is it important to review?

LOCs, Credit Cards, and Open End loans must not have a due date more than 31 days ahead. These loans must cycle each month. If left as is, the system may not cycle them correctly. CU should review them and identify why these loans are being allowed to be paid ahead. 


What share type categories can have a Maturity Renewal Default indicated and what Share Defaults can be added to that field?

Clubs and Certificates. Any Share Default.


The Scheduled Disbursement (Demo) Exception report dated 2/16/24 11:01:12 PST has an exception for 210196 L25. What does this exception mean and how do you resolve it?

Invalid Interest Calculation Date means that the system cannot determine the right amount of interest for this loan since the calculation date is not accurate for this loan type. The loan is setup with an Interest Calculation of Monthly therefore the Interest Calculation Date should be the first of the previous month from current due date. 


The Credit Reporting ECOA code is determined by the ____________ Category when the ___________ runs. 

Loan Person Link Category and Credit Reporting Batch Program


Explain the following exception found on the Conv Review Report:

Account with redundant mail person address link, should be blank

Discuss how it relates to statement mailing address functionality in Keystone. 

The exception is calling out instances where the account mail person address link does not need to be filled since it may be the only mailing address for the primary member. Keystone will first look for a share/loan mail person address link, then an account mail person address link, followed by a person address in the order of the setting in the default address method under the environment table.


If the Specified Withholding Option in a Tax Plan Transfer or in the Tax Plan Record is set to Yes, and both the Specified Federal/Withholding Percentage & Amount is specified, what will Keystone use?

Keystone will use both. The amount transferred would be the percentage plus the amount specified.


In the Escrow Analysis Exception Report dated 2/2/24 7:27:07 PST, 210611 L20 and 22424 L51 triggered exceptions. What do these exceptions mean and how do you resolve them?

210611 L20 - History End Balance must be zero for an initial projection. The Loan is linked to an escrow share that is closed. It must be relinked to an open escrow share. 

22424 L51 - Escrow Share transactions cannot exist before the start of the initial projection. The escrow share that is linked to the loan had transactions prior to the Initial Analysis being conducted. A new escrow share should be opened and linked to the loan.


List 3 reasons why the Credit Reporting Account Type would be set to Do Not Report

Manually set at funding (business loans)

Loan is Closed

Was converted over as DNR because it was not found in the CU's Metro II File


Describe the meaning behind these exceptions and how to resolve them:

SSNs Match but Birth Dates do not

SSNs Match but names do not

Names Match but SSN do not

All of these exceptions relate to person consolidation included in standard code. It's calling out instances where a person may have been defined with different names, SSNs or DOB in the CU's legacy's core. CU must review and clean up otherwise multiple person records may be created and/or accounts may be assigned to the incorrect person. Mapping may also need to be defined for persons who share an SSN with an entity. Example: 10002805 


For 83139 L0100, if Bobbie Black was to make a payment on 05/15/2022 for 30.00 with no other transaction conducted the rest of the month. What would be the payment calculated to be due on 06/30/2022 when statement cutoff runs?

788.57 * 2%/365 * 9 Days = 0.3888838356164384

788.57 * 10% /365 * 5 Days = 1.080232876712329

759.87 * 10% /365 * 18 Days = 3.747304109589041

Sum of all 3 rounded to the nearest penny $5.22
