What is the shortest Sura in the Quran?
Sura Kawther
Where was the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) born?
Who was the companion that had the highest level of Imaan?
Abu Bakar
List the Sura's that are named after Prophets?
Sura Ibrahim, Sura Yusuf, Sura Hud, Sura Yunus, Sura Muhammed, Sura Nuh
What building has the most stories?
A library
Which Sura has Allah's name in every Ayah?
Sura Mujadillah
Who is the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Abdul Muttalib
Which Sahaba was given the responsibility of calling out the Adhan?
Bilal Ibn Raba
Who was the Prophet mentioned the most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa
What country has the largest population of Muslims?
Since Suratul Taubah doesn't have Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. How many times has Bismilahir Rahmanir Raheem Appeared in the Quran?
114 times. Suratul Naml has two Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
This is the name of the cave where the Prophet received his first revelation?
Cave Hira
Which Sahabah is known to be Saif ul Allah?
Khalid Bin Waleed
Known to be very wise, he was a king and Prophet?
Prophet Sulaiman
Which angels sit on our shoulders?
Kiraman and Kateeben
How many Sajdahs are there in the Quran?
14 Sajdahs
What age was the Prophet when his mother passed away?
6 years old
Who was the first martyr in Islam?
Who was the Prophet that became blind after his son was separated from him?
Prophet Yaqub
Who are the four Imams?
Abu Hanifa, Shafiee, Ibn Hanbal, Malik
Which Sura are we prohibited from reciting on Jummah?
How many children did Prophet Muhammed (SAW) have and what were their names?
He had 7 children and their names were Qasim, Abdallah, Ibrahim, Zainab, Ruqqaya, Umkultum and Fatima
Which Sahabi was mentioned in the Quran?
Which Prophet was mentioned in the Quran as the friend of Allah?
Prophet Ibrahim
What five-letter word has one left when two letters are removed?