On what day of the month of Kiahk do we celebrate the feast of nativity?
Complete the verse : “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, ……………..” (Luke
(Luke 2:14).
What is “Nativity Paramon”? and how do we fast it?
The day before the feast – No fish (like
Wednesdays and Fridays
What tune do we use during the midnight praises in the month of kiahk?
Kiahk tune
What are the names of St. Mary’s parents?
Anna and Joakim
The month of kiahk come in what order in the Coptic year?
Where did the wise men come from?
From the East
Why do we fast 43 days?
40 days as Moses fasted waiting for the ‘word’ of God + 3 days for
moving El-Mokatam mountain
Why do we call kiahk praises 7 & 4?
7 theotokias and 4 hooses
What is Isiah’s most famous prophecy about St. Mary? What is its verse
Isaiah 7:14
What is the name of the month that comes before the month of Kiahk?
What does Immanuel translate to?
God with us
During all the days of the nativity fast, we are allowed to eat sea food.
What inspired the lyrics of the 4th hooses?
Psalms 148,149,& 150
Mention 3 prophets who prophesied about St. Mary
Isaiah – Jeremiah – Micah
What is the month of Kiahk very well known for?
What did Herod ask the wise men to do?
To let him know once they find the newborn king
How many fasts do we have in our orthodox church?
What is the meaning of “lobsh” and canticle?
In which council the introduction to the creed “We magnify you O Mother of the True Light” was added?
The Council of Ephesus
What are the Gospel readings of every Sunday in the month of kiahk?
Annunciation for St John –
Annunciation - The visit -Birth of St John the Baptist
Which tribe did the Lord Jesus come from?
What are the fasts we have in our Coptic Orthodox church?
Nativity – Jonah – Lent – Apostles –
St Mary – Wednesdays and Fridays - Paramones
What is the meaning of the word “ Theotokia”?
Glorification to St Mary
Mention 10 titles for St. Mary
The Queen -Theotokos -The Ladder of Jacob -The Bride -The Beautiful Dove -The Golden Censer -The Second Heaven -The Vine- The Burning Bush -The Golden Pot of Manna -The Mother of Our Savior