The human eye only sees 3 colors. All other colors are a combination of what 3 colors?
Red, Blue, Green
Which primary color of light has the longest wavelength and therefor the least harmful to your eye?
When were the first corrective lenses made? At the time they were called viewing or seeing stones.
60 AD
What year did we join EyeMed's network?
The first heart shaped box of chocolates was introduced in 1861 by which famous chocolatier?
What is the fear of eyes called?
Per the records obtained from the Vision Council of America, what percentage of the world's population wears glasses?
Who is typically credited with the invention of the bifocals however has never been proven?
Benjamin Franklin
EyeMed is one of our most billed insurances. What needs to be done under 3rd party to ensure insurance payment is received?
Material and exam is separated.
On February 14th, 1929 the St Valentine Massacre happened in what city?
What animal has a cornea nearly identical to a human? This animal's eye has been used in corneal transplant surgery before.
What does the CR in CR39 stand for?
Bonus: What is its index of refraction?
Columbia Resin
In the 1800s, green and yellow lenses were worn in an attempt to treat what disease?
Some insurances have a provider designated frame/ CL allowance. What is our allowance for frames and contacts through EyeMed?
Frame $139, Contacts $130
Which company collected works of embroidery to display and draw customers to their store?
Eye color is as unique as fingerprints. No two eyes are the same color. How many unique characteristics does the iris have?
What is the record for the most contact lenses found in an eye?
Which invention in 1450 led to an explosion of demand for spectacles?
Printing press
When billing VSP for the 50% U&C plans, what does the U&C stand for?
Usual & Customary
Which English king ironically declared Valentine's Day a holiday in 1537?
Henry VIII
Not to compete with the explicit nature of 50 Shades of Grey, how many shades of grey can the human eye see?
A watermark of NIII 67 would indicate what lens manufactured by us?
Digivue Elite High Index
In 1936, Edwin Land put a special filter over lenses to cut down on glare and increased visibility to aid World War II pilots. What are these lenses called today?
Polarized Lenses
This insurance provider offers a selection of contacts that maximizes the patient's benefit, including the fitting fee & 6 month-1 year contact lens supply.
St Valentine is also the patron of what kind of agricultural workers?