Many of us got our start in the tech lane or at the receptionist desk. How many GMs in District 202 were hired in as a tech or receptionist?
Owls are the only bird that can see what color?
Who represented America's Best prior to our anonymous owl that Joy lovingly refers to as 'Nigel'?
Charlie the Champ
In 1912, who was the first African American in the US or Canada to be credentialed as an optometrist?
William Lawson
Detroit boasts the nation's oldest soda. What soda is that?
Before our RVP Fazeel joined America's Best, he showcased some of his many talents in his high school marching band playing what instruments?
Trumpet, french horn, mellophone and keyboard.
Which animal has the largest eyes to ever exist?
Colossal Squid
What does CHAMPS stand for?
Compliments Have Always Made People Smile
Who was the first African American in Michigan to open an optical shop? They also founded Heritage Vision Insurance.
George Barnes Jr
During prohibition, what percentage of illegal liquor supplies in the US were smuggled through Detroit's waterways?
All of our lives have been touched by the colorfully vulgar Dr Tocco. He is an avid sports watcher and will watch every game he can. What is his favorite sport?
What was commonly used to quickly acclimate to darkness that might of just saved a life on the high seas?
Eye Patch
Who was America's Best founded by?
Bill Grody
In 1952, GM collaborated with Dr Forest Dodrill to create what invention? This invention makes open heart surgery possible today.
A mechanical heart pump
Our recent partnership with Pair Eyewear in 2024 has brought us infinite topper possibilities. Pair went on the show Shark Tank in what year?
Clams have eyes that expose the exterior of their body. How many eyes do they have?
America's Best is the largest buyer of _____ ______ eyeglass frames in the US?
designer overstock
What is Kenneth J Dunkley, the current president of Holospace Laboratories, known for inventing?
3D glasses
What year was the longest NHL game in history recorded? Red Wings vs Montreal Maroons.
Amanda, our Lincoln Park GM, joined the company before it was called America's Best. What year was Amanda hired?
How many eyelids do camels have?
What year was founded what year?
July 1978
Eye Protectors
When was the last Tigers World Series game?