What is another name for elephants trunk?
What is Proboscis?
The kind of sad animal that was named Eeyore from "Winnie-the-Pooh" was.
What is a donkey?
What does Pachyderm mean?
What is Thick Skinned
Name three things elephants use their trunks for
1. Shaking hands. 6. Tear up food
2. Defense 7. Move large trees
3. Spraying water into their mouths
4 Spray dust over their bodies
5 Smell
What other tool do elephants have and what do they use it for?
1. They use it to dig for water, salt, and roots
2. Peel the bark from trees to get to the pulp
3. Move logs and brush in their path
What are the two types of African Elephants?
African Bush Elephant
African Forest Elephant
In the nursery rhyme, 'Baa, Baa, Black Sheep', this is how many bags of wool he had.
What are three bags full?