Health and Safety
Customer Care

What was the name of our previous licensing representative? Bonus 50 points if you can name the new rep that was here last week. 

Melissa Mandeville 

Christiana Roland


When are lesson plans due? 

Lesson plans must be completed by Thursday morning for the following week. 

In what instances should gloves be worn?

When wiping a nose, diapers/toileting, when coming in contact with blood/vomit/bodily fluids, serving food, when feeding a bottle containing breast milk.


How should you greet families in the morning?

You must act it out. 


What is our dress code?

Black or khaki slacks, Black yoga pants (no designs)

Kiddie Academy shirt with logo

Open cardigan for colder months, over Kiddie shirt



What are the ratios for each age group?

*40 points for each one you get correct*

under 18 months: 1:4

18 months to 2 1/2 years: 1:6

2 1/2 to 4 years 1:10

4 years: 1:12

5 years and older: 1:15


Name as many centers as you can that must be included in each of the following age groups: infants, toddlers and twos, preschool and prek

Team with the most- gets the points

Infants- Cognitive, Fine motor, creative arts and sensory, exploration and discovery, gross motor, language and communication, music 

Toddlers and twos- blocks and transportation, creative arts, dramatic play, fine motor, gross motor, language and literacy, math and manipulatives, music, science and discovery, sensory exploration

Preschool & Prek- blocks and transportation, creative arts, computer and technology, dramatic play, library, math and manipulatives, music, science and discovery, writing 


When should hands be washed? What is the proper hand washing procedure? 

when entering the classroom in the morning

before and after meals

after coming in from outside

after diapering/potty

after coming in contact with bodily fluids including blood/vomit/nasal secretions 

sensory play/art

after contact with animals 


On what occasions should gifts be sent home with children for their families? 

Holidays (Christmas/Hannukah, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween), mother's and father's day, end of the year 


What is the criteria for winning employee of the month?

Lesson plans on time

Being on time to work/not calling out excessively 

Pleasant classroom environment

good relationships with peers

going above and beyond 


A child's parent must be notified and an accident report written when... 

A child is bitten and the skin is broken

A child sustains a head or facial injury, including when a child bumps his/her head

A child falls from a height greater than the height of the child


an injury requiring professional medical care occurs


How many activities should be on your lesson plans each day?

4 or more for 18 months and younger

5 or more for 19 months and above


When should you do name to face counts?

*When any transitions occur from classroom to classroom or the playground area as a whole group. 

*During staff transitions

*Anytime children leave or enter your classroom  

Infants: throughout the day, especially during drop off and pick up. 


Before pick up a child's appearance should include: 

Clean face/nose, tied shoes, hair tidy, clean diaper/ clothes if soiled from art or food. 


True or False:

If you do not receive prep time one week, you do not have to complete lesson plans? 



How many hours of professional development training does an employee need?

12 hours each year

Head teachers, group teachers, program supervisors must complete 20 hours 


What are the 4 pillars of the life essentials curriculum?

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum


Health and Fitness

Character Essentials 


A parent comes to you and asks you to administer a child medication, what do you do? Are there exceptions? 

Kindly explain that you are not authorized to give a child medication and that it must be brought to the front office and a form filled out. The only exception is a prescription diaper cream, which will still need a form filled out, but can be left with you for diapering.  

A parent comes to you with a complaint or a question about something you are unsure of. How do you respond? 

a. you can tell them that you will talk to an administrator and get back to them

b. you can refer them to the front desk

c. for a complaint- explain that it is always best to speak with a member of the administrative team to get the issue resolved effectively.

d. never tell a parent you don't know! 


What is the call out procedure?

A phone call the night before to Laura (since she opens) no later than 9 pm. If you can not reach me, call Alison. 

Voicemails/texts/emails are NOT acceptable

If you must call out the day of a phone call to the school must occur no later than 2 hours prior to your scheduled shift. 


Hand washing should begin at what age?

3 months old


What are Kiddie Academy's core educational beliefs? 

At Kiddie Academy, we believe that children are actively learning from the time they step through the doors of the academy until they leave, and that each child should have the opportunity to participate in large and small group activities as well as independent play. In our centers, children learn from an early age that their behaviors and actions can help others outside the classroom and academy.

Learning through play

center-based teaching

standards-based curriculum 

behavior management/positive guidance 

developmentally appropriate classroom 

Environmental factors 


What items should be sanitized after each use, daily and weekly? 

After each use: mouthed toys, bottle warms for both formula and breast milk, tables/high chairs/ changing pad/table

Daily: small toys especially in the infant and toddler rooms, any crib or cot that becomes soiled

Weekly: Cots/cribs, large toys 


What should families/tours see when they look into your classroom either in person or via camera?

a neat tidy, tour ready appearance

engagement with the children/ongoing activities

no cell phone usage/apple watches


What are the key components we look for in a staff member?


willingness to work together with peers and as a mentor 

good customer service and positive relationships with families

genuine love and care for children

positive attitude 

open ended! 
