Scenario: You see your favorite ortho patient in public, what do you do?
What is do not engage unless they initiate the interaction?
Sally was not wearing her eye protection... and Etch flew into her eyeball, what does Sally do?
What is flush eyes for 15 consecutive minutes at eyewash station? You may need help holding your head in the water for that long since it will uncomfortable. Reminder: station is in the lab.
Where is the Emergency Kit located? (Be Specific)
What is In Sterile, on the clean side, upper left-hand cupboard?
If you are not feeling well in the morning and are unable to come to work, what is the first thing you do?
What is CALL Anna?
What season 1 character is still alive on "Grey's Anatomy?"
What does HIPAA stand for?
What is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act?
What does this OSHA pictogram mean?
What is irritant? A few examples of these include Etch, Cavicide, BandLok. Remember that the specifics of ALL of the materials in the office can be found in the MSDS binder.
What is the first thing you do in any emergency situation in the office?
What is send someone get all doctors, stay at the scene with the person?
After what amount of time are you eligible for the Simple IRA matching program?
What is 1 year?
Who does Lucifer tell people that he is?
What is the devil?
Scenario: Someone calls and asks what time Shelbie will be in the office that day. How do you answer?
What is "That is protected information and I cannot share that"?
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Association
What do you do if you need to call 911?
What is ask someone to Call Josephine?
What tobacco/vaping products are permitted in our workplace?
What is NONE? This includes, juuls, vape pens, marijuana, and any tobacco/nicotine product.
What does Moira from "$chitt's Creek" have a collection of?
If you are sending requested patient information to a parent, does it need to be encrypted?
Yes, if the document contains PHI it needs to be encrypted.
Where is the MSDS binder located? (be specific)
What is in the back office, on the shelf against the back wall, on the far left.
In the event of an emergency and you've called 911, where do you direct the ambulance to go?
What is the back side or back entrance?
True or False: You are allowed to have your cell phone/watch accepting calls/messages on your person during working hours.
What is False? Your cell phone/watch must be unable to accept calls/messages while you are clocked in.
What is Joey's agent's name?
What is Estelle?
What year was the HIPAA Act instituted?
What is 1996?
True or False: Every state has the same OSHA standards
What do you do if you suspect that a parent/guardian may be under the influence of some substance (drugs, alcohol, etc.), during their child's visit?
What are our working hours (when are you expected to be here)?
What is 30 minutes before the first patient and 30 minutes after the last patient?
Who is Gossip Girl?
Who is Dan Humphrey?