This is the fairy in Peter Pan
Who is tinkerbell
This is the capital of France
This is the largest land animal on the earth
What is an elephant
This planet is known as the Red Planet
What is Mars
This boy can talk to snakes
Who is Harry Potter
In Cinderella, this animal's name is Gus Gus
What is a mouse
This is the longest river in the world
This animal can change it's colours to fit it's surroundings
What is a chameleon
This is how plants make their own food from sunlight
What is photosynthesis
This is the name of Spongebob Squarepant's pet snail
Who is Gary
This is the name of the boy in Up
Who is Russell
This country is also a continent
This is the smallest monkey in South America
What is the pygmy marmoset
This process is how liquid turns into gas
What is Evapouration
A talking raccoon and giant tree make up 2 of the members of this superhero team
Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy
He is the voice of Phil in Hercules and also plays the Dad in the live-action Matilda
Danny Devito
This country is home to Transylvania
What is Romania
This is the longest species of shark
What is the whale shark
This planet is closest to the sun
What is Mercury
This is the name of Elphaba and Glinda's School
What is Shiz
These are the names of all the emotions in both Inside Out movies
Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Sadness, Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, Ennui
This country has the most islands in the world
What is Sweden
This animal is known to have the longest lifespan
What is the Quahog Clam
These two elements make up water
What are Hydrogen and Oxygen
Blank Space and Shake it Off are found on what album
What is 1989