What are 2 healthy things you do to calm yourself down?
Deep breathing, talking to someone, positive words, count to ten etc.
What is a clue that you are getting angry and it is time to use a coping skill?
frustrated, annoyed, irritated, in the yellow/orange zone
What are 3 unhealthy coping skills?
kids choice
What is Sonic's super power?
Super Speed
When should you use healthy coping skills?
When I am feelings big emotions. (mad or angry, sad, anxious, or any other emotion)
What is a clue that you are getting anxious and need to use a coping skill?
I am worried, I can't sleep, I can't eat, my tummy hurts, I have a headache, etc.
Lupe gets frustrated from playing her video game and yells and throws his controller. Is this a healthy way to show his emotions or unhealthy?
What is 4 +7?
What are 3 coping skills that can be done anywhere?
kids choice
What is a clue that you are sad?
I am crying, I do not feel like doing anything, I don't want to eat, etc.
What makes a coping skill unhealthy?
When it is unsafe, unhelpful or harmful
What makes a healthy coping skill healthy?
It does not hurt anyone, it helps us calm ourselves, and keeps us safe.
What is a clue that you are happy?
I am focused, calm, confident, I have happy or positive thoughts, etc.
What are some consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?
You can be grounded, you could hurt yourself or someone else, someone may be disappointed in you.
What do you call a sad strawberry?
Julio was frustrated over her math. Julio took 3 big belly breaths and finished it. Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?
What is a clue that you are hyper?
I talk fast, I get excited, I move around alot
Why do people use unhealthy coping skills?
Because they have not learned to use healthy ones.
Say I am important!
I am important!