Where was the first sin?
The Garden of Eden - Bible Stories Ch 4
What was on 2 flat stones?
The 10 commandments - Bible Stories Ch 35
“You certainly will not die.”
Satan by a serpent - Genesis 3:4
Ham’s father
Noah - Bible Stories Ch 9
Who turned into salt?
Lot’s wife - Bible Stories Ch 15
Where did different languages start?
Babel or Babylon - Bible Stories Ch 12
What tasted like thin cakes made with honey?
Manna - Bible Stories Ch 34
“Am I my brother’s guardian?”
Cain - Genesis 4:9
Jesus’ father
Jehovah - Matthew 7:21; Psalms 2:7
Who or what was Jehovah’s first creation?
An angel, or Jesus Bible - Stories Ch 1
Where was water turned into blood?
Egypt or the Nile River - Bible Stories Ch 32
What snake saved people?
The copper serpent - Bible Stories Ch 41
“I have never been a fluent speaker.”
Moses - Exodus 4:10
Joseph’s mother
Rachel - Bible Stories Ch 19
What were giants called?
The Nephilim - Genesis 6:4
Where did walls come crashing down?
Jericho - Bible Stories Ch 46
What saved Rahab’s family?
A red rope or scarlet cord - Bible Stories Ch 46
“Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should taunt the battle line of the living God”?
David - 1 Samuel 17:26
Isaac’s father
Abraham - Bible Stories Ch 14
Who was called God’s friend?
Abraham - Bible Stories Ch 13
Where did a bush burn?
Mount Horeb - Bible Stories Ch 30
What job did Jehovah give Adam?
A gardener or naming the animals - Bible Stories Ch 3, Genesis 2:15, 19
“Now I have opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I am unable to turn back.”
Jephthah - Judges 11:35
John’s mother
Elizabeth - Luke 1:13