The man anointed to be king after King Saul betrayal to God
King David
The earthly parents of Jesus
Mary and Joseph
Who was the strongest man in the Bible? He brought down big pillars.
This garden is the very first recorded in the Bible!
Garden of Eden
The number of days God took for creation (including rest).
Seven Days
Which book has the most chapters?
God gave him the Ten Commandments
How much bread and fish did Jesus use to feed over 5000 people?
5 Loaves and 2 Fish
This disciple walked on water with Jesus
God helped Moses part this sea!
Red Sea
The number of each animal that went into the ark.
Two of Each
What is the last book of the Bible?
Who led the Israelites after Moses died?
He climbed a tree to see Jesus
Who was Samuel's Mother?
Where was Jesus born?
The number of the plagues of Egypt.
Ten Plagues
What are the four books of the Gospel?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Father of the Faith
His sermons paved the way for Jesus' earthly ministry by calling for all to repent
John the Baptist
Who were the men thrown into the furnace in the Bible?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed Nego
God made this city's walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it.
The number of days and nights it rained during the big flood.
40 Days and Nights
In what book do we find the story of Noah and Abraham?
Who are Moses's brother and sister?
Aaron and Miriam
The City that Apostle Paul was from.
He was raised from the dead by Jesus
The place where the Israelites were slaves for a long time.
The number of books in the Bible.
66 Books
Who wrote the book of Acts?
Who prayed 3 times a day and was obedient to God?
Which apostle baptized the Ethiopian official?
Philip the Apostle
Who is the oldest person in the Bible?
The place where God gave the 10 commandments.
Mount Sinai
The number of tribes belonging to Israel.
12 Tribes
What is the shortest book in the bible?
3 John