This creature has no bones and no brain and tentacles that can sting you. It has lived on earth for millions of years.
I_________ (eat) an apple, a sandwich and pear.
I have eaten an apple, a sandwich and pear.
I_____(play) football
i have played football
I have been in the class_____ 1 hour.
This food is famous in Italy. To make it you need bread, cheese and sauce.
This creature lives on the land and sea. It is NOT a mammal because it lays eggs. It has a hard shell
He_________(swim) in the ocean and a pool.
He has swum in the ocean and a pool
She______ (Walked) in the forest.
She has walked in the forest
The Dolphin has ______ not left the bay
This food is famous in Spain. To make it you need rice, fish and vegetables.
This animal lives in the water and on the land. It has a shell, claws and walks side to side.
I still haven't________ (ride) in a boat with a sail.
I still haven't ridden in a boat with a sail.
We______ (pick) up stones.
We have picked up stones
The scientist has studied whales_______ 2018
This food is famous in Japan. To make it you need rice, fish and seaweed.
This animal lives in the land and sea. It is a mammal.
I________ (be) at the beach for 5 hours.
I have been at the beach for 5 hours
They_________(climb) up the mountain
They have climbed up the mountain.
The fisherman ______hasn't _____ (Catch) any fish
Still Caught.
I am an orange vegetable. I help people to see in the dark
This is the place in the sea where millions of plants and tiny animals live
Coral Reef
He _______ (write) a story about whales but he can't post it online because I ________(broke) my phone.
He has written a story about whales but he can't post it online because I have broken by phone.
Have you_______(touch) the water?
Have you touched the water?
We________(sailed) _____ six days. We can see the lighthouse in the distance. The lighthouse________ (help) ships________ 1802.
We have sailed for six days.
The lighthouse has helped ships since 1802
I am uncountable. I am many different shapes and sizes. I am popular all over the world