Kids in Business
Dollars and Sense
Main Idea and Details

What is the main idea of Kids of Business?

a) Kids have to have a lot of money to start their own business.
b) Kids can have fun when they start their own business.
c) Kids can help others by starting their own business.

c) Kids can help others by starting their own business.


What genre is "Dollars and Sense"?

A) Expository Text
B) Argumentative Text
C) Realistic Fiction

B) Argumentative Text


What is the main idea of a text?

The main idea is what the text is mainly or mostly about.

This word means "money raised to be used for a specific purpose".


What led Hayleigh Scott to begin her own "earring" business?

She wanted her hearing aids to stand out. She wanted to be proud of them.


What inspired Blake Mycoskie for his TOMS shoe idea?

He visited Argentina and saw many children needed shoes.


Before toothbrushes were invented, people cleaned their teeth with small twigs. The first toothbrushes were made from bones and bristles from boars, horsehairs, or even feathers. Today the bristles on most toothbrushes are made from nylon.

What is the main idea?
A) People used to use twigs to clean their teeth.
B) Most toothbrushes are made of nylon.
C) Before toothbrushes were invented, people used natural objects to clean their teeth.

C) Before toothbrushes were invented, people used natural objects to clean their teeth.


This word is an antonym for "original".



What was the goal of Joshua's Heart Foundation in Miami, Florida?

He wanted to "stamp out hunger" in Miami, Florida.


What did Blake Mycoskie's company TOMS do to help others?

For every pair of shoes bought, they donated a pair to a child in need.


Solar ovens use energy from the sun. When a family uses a solar oven to cook their food, they do not have to collect wood for fuel or spend money to buy fuel. Solar ovens are a good option for many families in developing or poorer countries.

The main idea is "In developing countries, many solar ovens are being used." Pick a supporting detail from this paragraph that backs up the main idea.

Sentence 2- They do not have to collect wood for fuel or spend money to buy fuel.


When baking a cake, you follow many steps, which we also call this vocabulary word!

A process


What problem did Anna Azevedo notice with drinking glasses?

She noticed that most drinking glasses were not recyclable. 


Name one way that "Dollars and Sense" and "Kids in Business" are SIMILAR. 

Both stories are about how businesses can help others.


Arctic foxes have thick, white coats. The thick, white coat of the Arctic fox keeps it warm in freezing temperatures. It also helps the fox to blend into the snow so it can hide from predators and sneak up on prey without being seen.

What is the main idea of this passage?
A) The thick, white coat of the arctic fox has many jobs or purposes.
B) Arctic foxes have thick coats.
C) Arctic foxes hide from predators in a snowy landscape.

A) The thick, white coat of the arctic fox has many jobs or purposes.


Give evidence from "Kids in Business" to prove that kids can be compassionate.

Can be- any evidence that shows how one of the kids helped others in need.


After receiving a sewing machine for her 6th birthday, what did Cecilia Cassini decide to do?

She decided to design clothes for kids and teens and donate them to kids in need.


What steps did the Hard Rock Cafe take to help charity? There were three steps.

1. Rock stars designed t-shirts.
2. They sold the t-shirts online.
3. They gave the funds raised to charity.


Troglobites live in total darkness for their entire lives. They live in caves and never come out. Some troglobites do not even have eyes! Troglobites include spiders, flatworms, cave fish, and blind salamanders.

What detail best supports this main idea- "Troglobites live in darkness for their entire lives."

A) Sentence 2
B) Sentence 4

A) Sentence 2, since it talks about why they are in darkness!

Fill in the blank:

"The Iphone 11 is ________, because it does things that phones could never do before."

A) enterprise
B) compassionate
C) innovative

C) innovative
