Hazrat Ali Asgar Birthday?
9th Rajab
Who is the 5 Panjatan
Prophet Mohammad (SAW)
Imam Ali (As)
Bibi Fatima (As)
Imam Hassan (As)
Imam Hussian (As)
The day Imam Ali (As) was pronounce the Imam over the believers?
The What it the name of out galaxy?
Milky way
What is the most important saying in ghadder?
man kunto mola fahaza Ali mola
Imam Alis Birthday
13 Rajab
Hazrat Ali Asgar Sibling?
Imam Sajjad
Hazrat Ali Akbar
Bibi Sakina
Bibi Fatima As-shughra
What event prophet took his Ahlalbayt to poof the truthfulness of Islam
What is the largest organ in the human body?
The Skin
Imam Hussian birthday
3rd shaban
Who are the 12 Imam?
Imam Ali, Imam Hassan, Imam Hussian, Imam Sajjad, Imam Baqir, Imam Sadiq, Imam Musa Kazim, Imam Reza, Imam Jawad, Imam Hadi, Imam Askari, Imam Mehdi
what it the Islamic calendar called
Hijra Calendar
how many planets are there
When was Imam Ali’s birthday
13 Rajab
The lady’s of heaven
Bibi Fatima (AS), Bibi Khadija (AS), Bibi Maryam (AS, Bibi Assya (AS)
how many months are there in the islamic calendar
12 (bonus points for naming them)
When was america founded
When was Imam Hassans birth
15 Ramadan
what was the Hadith about the 5 panjatan
Hadith e kiss
What year after hijri was ghadeer
What is the process by which plants use sunlight to create their own food