Who was the Prophets ﷺ Father?
Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib
Who was the first Prophet AS?
Adam AS
Which foot do you enter the bathroom with?
Left foot
What is the first Surah in the Quran?
Surah Fatiha
What does Israa wal Miraj mean?
Israa - The Night Journey
Miraj - The Ascension
Who was the Prophets ﷺ Mother?
Amina bint Wahb
Which Priphet split the sea?
Musa AS
Which foot do you enter the masjid with?
Right foot
What is the longest Surah in the Quran?
Surah Baqarah
When did Israa wal Miraj happen?
27th of Rajab (aka tonight!)
How many children did the Prophet ﷺ have?
7 children
Which Prophet spoke with the animals and jinn?
Sulaiman AS
What does Sunnah mean?
Answers may vary
How many Surahs in the Quran?
What was the method of transport during the Israa?
The Buraq
Who was the Prophets ﷺ grandfather?
Abdul Muttalib
Which Prophet is mentioned by name the most in the Quran?
Musa AS
Which hand is it Sunnah to eat with?
Right hand
Which angel revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
Jibrail AS
Al Israa was from Mecca to…
What tribe is the Prophet ﷺ from? Bonus if you guess the clan!
Tribe - Quraysh
Clan - Banu Hashim
Which Prophet AS was swallowed by a whale?
Yunus AS
Why is it important to follow the Sunnah?
Answers may vary
When was the Quran revealed?
Laylatul Qadr/ Ramadan
What was gifted to our Prophet ﷺ dyring the Miraj?
Last 2 Ayahs of Surah Baqarah and Salah 🤲🏼