What town does Spongebob live in?
What is Bikini Bottom
Who Is The "Feared Player" In Minecraft?
Who is Herobrine
What state is Sandy the squirrel from?
What is Texas
Which Is The Most Important Block Type In Minecraft And Is Used To Make Everything Else?
What is wood.
What kind of sea creature is Spongebob's best friend, Patrick?
What is a starfish
What Is The Name Of An Alternate World To Which You Can Travel?
What is Nether
What is the name of Spongebob's pet
Who is Gary
How Far Away Can You Be From A Ghast For It To See You?
What is 100 blocks away
What is the name of the Krusty Krab's competition?
What is Chum Bucket
What Are The Two Colors Of Clothes Does Zombie Wears?
What are blue and green