This toy spins on your fingers and you can do tricks with it.
What is a Fidget Spinner?
If you freeze water, what do you get?
What is Ice?
What color are the stars on the American flag?
What is White?
What are the 7 colors of the rainbow?
What are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet?
You play this game at Easter and you try to hunt for these objects that can scrambled or boiled.
What is an Easter Egg Hunt?
How many sides does a triangle have?
What is 3?
What do they say the color of your face is when you're sick or about to throw up? (HINT: It is a popular emoji on Iphone also)
What is Green?
A favorite kids card game which has different colored cards and cards that make you Draw, Reverse, or Skip?
What is Uno?
How many stars are on the American flag?
What is 50?
Royal, Orchid and Lavender are all shades of what color?
What is Purple
Name this toy that has multi-colored blocks used to build things.
What are Legos?
Who is the strongest Avenger?
Who is the Hulk?