What team do Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and Daymond Green play for?
What is the Golden State Warriors?
What is the color of the baseball?
Which team are the 2018 Superbowl champions?
What is New England Patriots?
What is the color of a puck?
What is Greece
What is the name of Houston's basketball team?
What is the Rockets?
Who is the Most Famous Baseball player of all time?
Who is Babe Ruth?
This Quarterback is said to be the greatest quarterback of all time.
Who is Tom Brady
What is is called when a player scores 3 times in a game?
What is a Hat Trick?
Who is considered the fastest Olympic runner of all time?
Who is Usain Bolt
What is the WNBA
This African American baseball player was the first to play in MLB.
Who is Jackie Robinson
What is a goal called in American Football?
What is a touchdown?
What is the name of the Vegas NHL hockey team?
What is the Vegas Golden Knights?
How many rings are there in the Olympic logo?
Who is the GOAT?
Who is Michael Jordan?
What does MLB stand for?
What is the Major League Baseball?
Yellow and Black
What is the color of the Steelers?
Who is considered the greatest Hockey player of all time?
Who is Wayne Gretsky?
The country with the most olympic medals
What is the United States?
How many teams are in the NBA?
What is 30 teams?
Who is the most famous shortstop player for the New York Yankees?
Who is Derek Jeter
How long is a football field?
What is Canada?
This female Olympic player has 11 gold medals in gymnastics.
Who is Simone Biles