The evacuation location in case of a fire
what is outside across the parking lot
What is connect with your kids
The reason we take shoes off in the nursery
What is to keep floors cleaner
What to do if a parent loses their claim tag
What is send them to the front desk
The number of sites the Crossing has
What is: 4
Your response if you hear a knock on the door
what is NOT to answer it
Name one of the versions of the Bible we use in the rooms
What is: Children's Story Book Bible, Beginners Bible, Hands on Bible and the Action Bible
How long we let kids cry before calling a parent
what is 10 minutes
How you communicate you will be out of town on your scheduled day to serve
What is through Planning Center
The name of our two pastors at Grant's Trail
Who are Angela and Quinton
The rule explaining how many people are needed to be with a child at any time
What is the two-person rule
The Discipline Policy in KidsCrossing
What is the three strikes policy
What is use the sprayer (Decon)
How you call a parent if needed
What is use the Walkie Talkie
Our 3 Vision Venues
What are Vision Dinner, Explorations and BodyLife
What we match when checking kids out
What are the numbers/letters on their tag
Where you find the lessons each week
Hugs, High fives, and fist bumps are considered this
What is appropriate touch
What is the log it binder
The sermon series we are currently in
What is Jesus Explained
What are draw the blinds and move away from window
referred to as "the language of the young" (in the training video online)
Our Bible verse for the month
Our Mission Statement
KidsCrossing is a fun safe place for kids to explore God's truth, Experience His grace and Express his love all at a level of their understanding
The Crossing began with this many people in a living room in 1989
What is 8