prophets teachings
fill in the blank

Elder Taylor G. Godoy of the Seventy told of a wedding gift he and his wife received from a police officer as they were trying to get the proper documents to get married. What was the gift?

A puppy


What is the key phrase of 1 Nephi 3:7?

I will go and do the things which the lord hath commanded


What does the M stand for in Russell M. Nelson?



Elder Paul D. Pieper of the Seventy taught, “_____ is the foundation of all relationships... A relationship forms only when people are willing to place ___ in each other.” Fill in the blanks



What does Dieter F. Uchtdorf almost always talk about in his talks?



Brother Michael T. Nelson of the Young Men general presidency shared how this story from the Book of Mormon teaches leaders and parents today how to strengthen the youth of the Church.

What story did he share?

Helamen and the Stripling Warriors

What is the key phrase of 2 Nephi 26:33?

All are alike unto God


President Russell M. Nelson taught, "Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than ____ in the temple as regularly as your circumstances permit." Fill in the blank.



Elder Steven R. Bangerter of the Seventy taught, "Our Heavenly Father desires to reveal to you your personal _______ and He will do so as you seek to learn and follow His will." Fill in the blank.



What prophet served in the Navy and married Frances Beverly Johnson? 

Thomas S. Monson


Elder Renlund and his family were kayaking to an island in Hawaii. He was far ahead of his wife and daughter so he stopped to wait for them. How many times did he say he fell off the kayak?



What is the key phrase of Alma 41:10?

Wickedness never was happiness


President Russell M. Nelson asked "Consider how your life would different if _____ ____ had not been restored to the earth." Fill in the blanks.

priesthood keys


President Jeffrey R. Holland taught, "It's for reasons known only to God why prayers are answered differently than we hope, but I promise you they are ____ and they are ____ according to His unfailing love and cosmic timetable.” Fill in the blanks.

heard; answered


How many operating temples are there right now in the world?

188 operating but 195 temples


President Henry B. Eyring shared how he and his wife attended a sealing for friends in the Idaho Falls temple. They left their four children with a babysitter 30 minutes away in Rexburg, Idaho. What happened while they were in the sealing that caused them not to be able to go back home to their children until the next day?

The Teton Dam collapsed which caused severe flooding


What is the key phrase of Helaman 5:12?

It is upon the rock of our redeemer that ye must build your foundation


President Nelson announced the locations for 15 new temples to be built around the world. Name five of those locations.

•Uturoa, French Polynesia

•Chihuahua, Mexico

•Florianópolis, Brazil

•Rosario, Argentina

•Edinburgh, Scotland

•Brisbane, Australia, South Area

•Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

• Yuma, Arizona

•Houston, Texas, South Area

•Des Moines, lowa

•Cincinnati, Ohio

•Honolulu, Hawaii

•West Jordan, Utah

• Lehi, Utah

•Maracaibo, Venezuela


In his talk to "call, not fall" Elder Taylor G. Godoy of the Seventy quoted this hymn, "Ere you left your room this morning, __ __ __ __ ____?” Fill in the blanks to name the hymn.

Did you think to pray


Newly called apostle, Elder Patrick Kearon, made the joke that behind every new apostle stands what?

An astonished mother in law


Elder Neil L. Andersen shared the story of a woman who told her daughter she wanted to go to the temple with her. The woman's daughter told her she needed to be baptized first. The woman did get baptized and was able to go to the temple with her daughter, first to do baptisms, then later to receive her endowments. How old was the woman?



What is the key phrase of Moroni 10:4-5?

Ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things


President Russell M. Nelson named three priesthood keys that were restored to the earth in the Kirtland Temple. Name one of them.

Keys to the:

Gathering of Israel,

Gospel of Abraham, 

Sealing Power


Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace taught, "As we study the Book of Mormon and follow the living prophet, there will be no personal ____ in our lives." Fill in the blank.



In speaking to the children of the church President Susan H. Porter, the Primary general president, named three gifts they could pray for. Name one of them.

1, pray to know

2, pray to grow

3, pray to show 
