What is fake news?
News that is made up/not real
People make up fake news to make ________.
People hold on to their biases and believe fake news because they want to look smart. They want to protect their ______ _______.
Self Esteem
True or False. You only need to read the headlines to understand what is happening.
False. Reading the headlines alone is not enough.
Fake news is contagious like a _____.
Synonym: What is another word for Fake News
Noola created clickbait article titles because she wanted to _____________.
Hint: Noola runs a website. She's like an influencer.
To make money AND get famous
Why do people avoid looking up all the facts?
Looking up the facts takes time and effort.
Name one strategy to figure out what is fake news.
1) Think critically, especially if it makes you upset.
2) Check your sources
3) Look for real journalists, reporters and fact checkers.
4) Look for credible news sources
True or False: Disinformation has been around a long time.
That's true!
It has always been around. The internet has made it easier for disinformation to spread.
What is the belief that a secret organization and the news media are working together to make someone look bad? They are also responsible for an event or phenomenon.
Conspiracy Theory
Why does Candidate Milson and other politicians create fake news?
To gain power and undermine Candidate Fmith.
True or False: It is easy to NOT believe fake news when our families and friends believe and share them.
What is a fact and what is an opinion
A fact is something that you can prove to be true.
An opinion cannot be verified. It is what someone thinks or feels. Everyone can have a different opinion.
Fake news can be very dangerous. When people let fake news impact their decisions, their decisions might be bad for what three things?
Bad for our health, environment, and democracies.
What is the idea that we are more likely to believe stories that agree with our beliefs and feelings?
Confirmation Bias
People make up fake news because they want others to share information on _______ ________.
Social Media
Explain why fears and scary things can cause fake news to grow.
Fake news gives us simple explanations to help us understand scary things. It helps us feel safe.
What is a strategy that YOU can personally use to keep from sharing fake news? (hint: it's one of the last reasons)
Be aware of your emotions and not acting on them first. Pause and think about how you feel and why you want to react and share it. Research before you share!
What is the thing that has made it easier for people to see, share, and believe fake news?
What do we call a headline designed to grab attention and make people click, often using exaggeration, curiosity, or made-up information?
Example: "The Queen's Baby is a Robot."
Click Bait
Why do social media companies want people to stay on their apps?
They make more money.
The longer you stay, the more data they can collect. This allows them to sell targeted ads for you to click on. The more ads you click, the more money social media companies get.
What is one strategy people use to make fake news harder to detect?
Example: Soap is made of chemicals that will make your toes fall off!
They add in tiny bits of truth.
Name three kinds of people the book says you should trust more than others.
Reporters and experts who CITE THEIR SOURCES.
Scientists who study something for years.
What is the remedy suggested to cure all diseases in the book?
Drinking Shampoo