Kilo Trivia

Why it is important to walk in the hallways? Why we don't run in the hallways?

What is:  Why it is important to walk in the hallways?  OR Why we don't run in the hallways?

You could slip and fall, or you could run into someone, and they could get badly hurt.  Also, the doors at Kilo open outward, so you could hit one and get hurt.


Why do we walk on the right and keep moving in the hallways?

Why do we walk on the right and keep moving in the hallways?

These two behaviors allow traffic in the hallways to move quickly and safely so that everyone can arrive to class on time.


What are the rules for cell phones at school?

What are the rules for cell phones at school?

Students need to turn this item off, and put it away, and may only use it in class when they have specifically been given permission by the teacher.  Students can use it freely before school, during lunch, and after school.


What are STAR expectations in the cafeteria during lunchtime?

What are STAR expectations in the cafeteria during lunchtime?

Come in and sit down, talk quietly to your friends, line up when your table is called, return to the same table, and remain seated until you are invited to clean up your garbage and leave the room.


How many bald staff members there are at Kilo?

How many bald staff members there are at Kilo?


(Krueger, Mann, Haver, Kirby, and Daniel)


What are student expectations when leaving the classroom?

What are student expectations when leaving the classroom?

Sign out, put on the pass vest, walk directly to and from your destination using the shortest, most direct route, and stay off of your cell phone.


What are STAR expectations on the bus?

What are STAR expectations on the bus?

Follow directions, remain seated, use a quiet voice, keep hands and feet to yourself, and say thank you when you exit.


What can you do if someone is bothering you at school?

What can you do if someone is bothering you at school?

Ignore them, tell them to stop, privately talk to a trusted adult, or privately report the issue to your counselor or administration so they can help.


What is the 10/10 rule?

What is the 10/10 rule?

The Kilo expectation that no one leaves class during the first and last 10 minutes of the period.


Which staff member has worked at Kilo the longest?

Which staff member has worked at Kilo the longest?

Mr. Haver


Where are students allowed to go during lunch?

Where are students allowed to go during lunch?

The cafeteria, the commons, the library, intramurals, and the courtyard INSIDE the yellow lines.


Where should you look for something that you are missing?

Where should you look for something that you are missing?

the lost and found?  (Located in the main office)


Why are blankets not allowed at school?

Why are blankets not allowed at school?

Although nice to have when it's cold outside, these can present a distraction in class and a potential safety concern, so they are not allowed at school.


How do you excuse an absence?

How do you excuse an absence?

Bring in a note from your parent/guardian or a doctor, ask your parent/guardian to call the main office or to go online through ParentVue.


How many school days are there in a year?

How many school days are there in a year?



Why shouldn't we play fight?

Why shouldn't we play fight?

This behavior can quickly escalate into a real conflict if someone gets angry, and even if it doesn't, someone could accidentally get hurt.


What is the word for thinking about how our actions affect others?

What is the word for thinking about how our actions affect others?



What kind of language is appropriate for school? 

What kind of language is appropriate for school?

Words that create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued, and eliminate distractions so that everyone is able to learn.


When should I go to the health room?

When should I go to the health room?

Before going here (unless it is an emergency), students should report to class and request a pass from their assigned teacher.


What year was Kilo opened?

What year was Kilo opened?



What do we do in the morning when we come into the classroom?

What do we do in the morning when we come into the classroom?

Check-in, get our morning job (do our job if it is before morning meeting), sit in our seat and wait for instructions or morning meeting.


How do I know what my morning or afternoon job are?

How do I know what my morning or afternoon job are?

Check the job board


Are slurs of ANY KIND allowed at school when talking to my friends?

(Slurs=words insulting someone's identity)

Are slurs of ANY KIND allowed at school when talking to my friends?

These words are never allowed at school, even when speaking to your friends, and using them will result in a formal harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) investigation.


What is the Kilo Dress Code?

What is the Kilo Dress Code?

This policy states that student dress and appearance may not:

  • Present a health or safety hazard, including possible membership in groups that promote hate or violence.
  • Result in damage to school property.
  • Result in a material and substantial disruption of the educational process.    

How many buildings (identified with letters of the alphabet) there are on Kilo's campus?

How many buildings (identified with letters of the alphabet) there are on Kilo's campus?

