What is the correct example of Comparative Anatomy?
Human Arm
Human Arm
What is an example of Homologous Structure?
Wings of bats or birds
Tail Bone
whale fin
Wings of bats or birds and whale fin
What is an example of Analogous Structure?
Butterfly wing
human arm
Butterfly wing
What is an example of Vestigial Structure?
Wisdom teeth
bat wing
Wisdom teeth
What is an anatomy?
A body representation
A body composition
A body composition
What is the correct def.?
Similar in structures and positioning different in function
Perform similar function and differ in structure
Similar in structures and positioning different in function
What is our body made up of?
What is the correct def.?
A part of an organism that isn’t used anymore
Building blocks of life
A part of an organism that isn’t used anymore
What is the def.
Study of body structures
A part of organism that isn't used anymore
Study of body structures
What is the correct def.?
Perform similar function and differ in structure
A part of an organism that isn’t used anymore
Perform similar function and differ in structure