Spoilers and Leaks
That's Good "TV"
The Legend of Others
My Instrument of Choice
YouTube Classics

This infamously faked leak had the internet in a tizzy in October 2018 and showed that Banjo and Kazooie, Geno, Chorus Kids, and Isaac all as playable fighters in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. 

What is the Grinch Leak?


This media box gives you easier access to your favorite streaming services. 

What is an Apple TV?


In Majora's Mask, you are tasked with giving a paper to a mysterious hand which seems to be coming out of this object?

What is a toilet?


If I owned a kazoo, I might play it with this five stringed instrument. 

What is a Banjo?


If you have bronchitis, this might be your response upon being asked to evacuate your building. 

What is ain't nobody got time for that?


This man was responsible for leaking the existence of the National Surveillance Agency and its concerning privacy violations on millions of Americans daily. 

Who is Edward Snowden?


This YouTuber is also a talented musician whose song "Coffee Girl" is out of this world.

Who is SpaceChickenTV?


When Toon Link joins the battle in Smash, this character is in charge of the train (from Spirit Tracks). 

Who is Gonzo?


If I played this woodwind instrument at a recital, I'd be more likely to annoy my friends than for them to want to record the performance. 

What is a recorder?


This video of a child complaining about his infant brother was an early viral video and makes us wonder if we were really just that starved for content back then. 

What is Charlie Bit Me?


A not so long time ago in a galaxy not so far away, the internet was rife with leaks of this Star Wars character's death by the hand of his own son.

Who is Han Solo?


This young lad had an obsession with television which ultimately led him to an unfortunate end inside a mysterious chocolate factory. 

Who is Mike Teavee?


One of Tingle's brothers working for him alongside Ankle and Knuckle. 

Who is David Jr.?


When I play it it doesn't always sound harmonious, but this handheld instrument is a staple of American Folk.

What is a harmonica?


Tay Zonday moves away from the mic to breathe in this viral song posted to YouTube.

What is Chocolate Rain?


While there were many crazy theories about hinting future Super Smash Brothers Ultimate characters, one particularly farfetched theory claimed that these two yellow and purple items in the background of Sakurai's office hinted at Skull Kid or Waluigi.

What are chairs?


This browser extension adds features to your Twitch viewing experience - for instance, you can use new emotes! 

What is BetterTTV?


In Twilight Princess, you find a Goron in this unlikely location which he compares to a hot spring, but cold. 

Where is underwater? 

This instrument has the keys of a piano, but no hammers or strings - the melody is entirely powered by blowing through a mouthpiece. 

What is a melodica?


Ethan Klein might try to convince you to join this with the allure of smoke tricks and churro flavor.

What is Vape Nation?


These pair of games were leaked on April Fool's Day which made it hard to take seriously, but those who caught the information were proven correct.

What is Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee?


If you're off-roading, chances are you're doing so in one of these, another name for quad-bike. 

What is an ATV?


In A Link Between Worlds, this character is Link's counterpart in Lorule.

Who is Ravio?


A term for this type of Ukulele which has the tone and body shape of another instrument Donald owns. 

What is a Banjolele?


This musical spoof of sitcom intros was originally an Adult Swim segment which gained a large following online after it was posted. 

What is Too Many Cooks?
