Where do Kimonos originate from?
Kimonos originate from China.
Do Kimonos have different elements? Yes or no?
What are on different types of kimonos?
Different colors, patterns, and formalities.
What celebrity wore a kimono during her performance?
Katy Perry.
What dance were the background dancers doing?
Chinese fan dance
Even though Kimonos originate from China, who's traditional garment is it.
Kimonos are a traditional Japanese garment.
What is the cultural significance of kimonos?
The kimono is not only a piece of clothing, but it is a canvas for art and a symbol of Japan’s cultural heritage.
When do people wear bright colored kimonos?
Celebratory occasions, like weddings.
What retail chains sold silky robes?
H&M and American Eagle
What song did Katy Perry perform when wearing the kimono?
Are Kimonos material or non-material?
Kimonos are material
What are the 3 different elements on Kimonos?
Color, patterns, and formalities
When do people wear subdued colored kimonos?
During somber occasions, like funerals.
In what film were kimonos used as a fashion trend?
Memoirs of a Geisha
What was falling during the performance?
Cherry Blossom petals
What are Kimonos also known as?
Kimonos are also known as Gofuku's and Kosode's.
What do colors represent?
Name an example of a pattern and its significance.
Colors are associated with seasons, occasions, and emotions.
Patterns: cherry blossoms (short nature of life), waves (strength)
What does the pattern cherry blossoms represent?
Short of life
What type of kimono was Katy Perry wearing during her performance?
What picture was shown during the performance?
The Great Wave off Kanagawa
What does Gofuku and Kosode translate to?
Gofuku: kimono
Kosode: small sleeve
What is an example of a formality and its significanc.
Furisodes, are worn by unmarried women, have long flowing sleeves.
An example of a formality is a furisode. What are furisodes and when do women usually wear them?
Furisodes, are worn by unmarried women, with long flowly sleeves.
Did this movie and performance have an impact on the spread of folk culture?
What year did Katy Perry perform for American Music Awards?