Together, they flex the elbow
What are elbow flexors
The acceleration due to gravity
What is -9.81 m/s2
Allows for flexion/extension in one plane
What is a hinge joint
The head is positioned what relative to the neck.
What is superior
Every force has an equal and what reaction force?
What is opposite
Together, they abduct the shoulder
What are shoulder abductors
The acceleration in the horizontal direction (granted we neglect air resistance)
What is 0 m/s2
Allows for rotation in one plane
What is a pivot joint
The elbow is positioned what relative to the hand
What is proximal
Phases of movement are bookended by these
What are events
They work together to eccentrically lower the shank during a leg extension exercise
What are knee extensors
What scenario is this: The time it takes for the projectile to reach the apex is longer than the time it takes for the projectile to go from apex to the ground.
Take off height is lower than landing height
Allows for the largest ROM
What is a ball and socket joint
A plank position refers to the person lying ______
What is prone
What is moment of inertia
They isometrically hold the leg at 90 degrees of hip flexion
What are the hip flexors
The vertical velocity is 0.
What is the vertical velocity at the apex of a projectile's path of motion?
This joint allows for flexion/extension and ab/adduction
What is an ellipsoid joint
The lateral malleolus is positioned what relative to the medial malleolus in anatomical neutral
What is lateral
What class lever is most prevalent in the human body?
What are 3rd class levers
Muscles must cross this, in order to cause movement
What is a joint
Flight time divided by two will equal the up and down portions of flight if...
Take off and landing height are the same.
This specific joint name is considered condylar due to its large allowance of movement in one plane and very small movement in another plane
What is the knee (Condylar Joint)
If a person were to perform radial deviation from a neutral stance, what plane of motion would they move within?
What is frontal
If something is moving at a constant velocity, what is its acceleration?
What is zero