Health and Safety
KinderCare Policies
State Regulations

Where should chemical bottles and items marked keep out of reach of children be? 

In a locked cabinet. 


What should you be doing during naptime once the children are asleep? 

Cleaning, Prepping future activities, planning curriculum for the upcoming months.


What is the ratio for each age group? Single ratio and maximum group size

Infants- 1:4 Max 8   Toddlers/Two- 1:5 Max 10   2.5- 1:7 Max 14   Threes- 1:10  Max 20    Fours 1:12 Max 24. 

The maximum group size includes the number of children on a playground. 


True or False: It is optional to follow the curriculum provided in the curriculum book. 



At what point should you let us know you are low on classroom wipes?

When you have 3 packs of wipes left from your case of wipes. 


Where should personal belongings be kept? 

In a locked closet. This includes purses, jackets(if items are in your pockets), keys, backpacks, books, drinks, food, ect.  


What is our dress code? 

KinderCare shirt, Jeans, Khakis, Slacks of any kind (No rips or holes), Nice leggings as long as they aren't see-through. Closed toed shoes. 

Sweats, PJ Bottoms- should only be worn on Fridays. 


What is allowed to be on top of a diaper changing table? 

The changing table should be cleared at all times. Only, diapering items (diaper, wipe, diaper cream) should be out when getting ready to change a diaper.

Changing tables are considered toilets- we shouldn't be preparing anything on top of them. Would you prepare your plate on the toilet? Would you pick up papers that were on the toilet and use them? 


How many activities should be completed with the children each day?

The number of activities depends on each age group. But children should be participating in a Block, Creative Arts, Science and Sensory, Math and Manipulatives, Writing, and Language and Literacy activities each day. As well as at least 1 enhancement plan activity. 


True or False-  Infant and Toddler teachers are allowed to step out of the room as long as it is just to run to the bathroom? 

False- Infant and Toddler ratio should be followed at all times. Another teacher must step in the classroom for any reason a teacher needs to step out. 


How often should the classroom cleaning checklist be completed?

Everyday throughout the day as cleaning tasks are completed. Turned in on Friday with the CSR. 


Give a step by step way of changing a diaper. 

Gather all materials needed for diaper change. 

Put on gloves

Remove soiled diaper

Gently clean child's diaper area. Remove gloves. 

If parent has provided diaper cream, put on a new glove or use a paper towel to apply cream,

Wash the child's hands

Dispose of the dirty diaper, wipe, and changing paper.

Disinfect the changing table.

Wash your hands

Log the diaper in the app. 


How should we communicate with children? 

470-IAC 3-4 7-54
A) Caregivers shall use positive discipline

B) Caregivers shall do the following

1. Communicate to children using positive statements

2. Encourage children, with adult support, to use their own words and solutions in order to resolve their own interpersonal conflicts

3. communicate with children by getting down to their eye level and talking to them in a calm quiet manner about what behavior is expected. 


How many pictures should each family get of their child each day? 

At least 3 pictures of children not eating. 


How long should children be outside in one setting. 

30 minutes


How should diaper cream, sunscreen and bug spray be stored?

In the locked changing table in a zip lock bag labeled with the childs name on it and the authorization form in the zip lock bag. 


Where should the teachers be at mealtimes? 

Sitting at the table with the children encouraging positive conversations between them and the other children. 


What is Inappropriate Discipline? 

Corporal punishment, any measure that produces physical discomfort(hitting, pinching, shaking, ect), Placement in a dark room, yelling, forcing a child to take a nap as punishment, giving or withholding food as a punishment or reward, use of time out, physically restrain(unless for the safety of the child or other children and only for as long as necessary)


When is it acceptable to use the I-Pad to watch videos? 

Only acceptable for children ages 3 and up. Only if related to enhancing the teaching of curriculum. Must be approved by a member of management. 


How many classrooms should be on a playground at a time?

Bonus Question for 200 points- What should you be doing during outside time. 

One, unless the maximum group size is able to be met between the two classrooms. If a class has been outside for 30 minutes, they still need to return inside at their scheduled time.

Doing an outdoor activity with the children, constantly moving and watching the playground. The picnic tables are not for sitting at. 


Show us a proper outside transition. You can use your team members if needed?

Children's names are called as they go through the threshold. The teacher with the CSR is the one who is calling the names and marking it on the CSR. 

What is the cleaning procedure for tables at mealtime? 

Before and After each meal-

Spray with blue spray- Wipe clean

Spray with sanitizer- allow to air dry or wipe after 30 seconds. 


If we know a child isn't going to eat a certain food, is it okay not to offer them that food?

If the teacher is preparing the plate, all food must be served to proper proportions including milk.

If using family style dining- Teachers should encourage children to take a portion of the food they don't want but are not required to serve it to the child. 


What should be on an Evidence of Learning Board? 

Evidence of Learning Sheet
Quotes that children said while doing the activities-
Photos from the activity
Any artwork or items to showcase/enhance the activity.  


Why is it important not to lay down with the children during naptime?

All children must be within sight and sound at all times. Laying down prevents us from being able to see all the children in the classroom and also increases the possibility of the teacher falling asleep. (Falling asleep during naptime is considered lack of supervision)
