I need to do this twice a day to keep my teeth healthy.
Can I leave the playground to get a ball or object that went outside the fence?
No, No way, Never, Never Ever, Absolutely Not!
In Health and PE, what is the white sign-out board for?
Anytime I leave the class (ask first)
When do we line up by the bookshelves and remain quiet?
During a lockdown.
See the teacher on duty during recess.
When I need to get a drink, go to the bathroom, or nurse during recess.
Mr. Rennie is:
The school principal
When a lockdown happens and I am in the bathroom what should I do?
Stay in the bathroom stall.
Tag games are allowed or not allowed?
In PE I am allowed to slide on the ground or run into the walls (Margaret).
Nope, Never, Never Ever, Absolutely Not!
What fish costs the most?
A Goldfish!!!!!!
When a fire drill happens and I am in the bathroom what should I do?
Leave the bathroom, join the nearest class and tell the teacher your name and where you should be.
What do I need on my feet during PE?
Sneakers only no Ccrocs, sandals, open-toe, or heel footwear.
The Nurse's room is across from the gym. True or False
6 feet on the ground.
How I sit in my seat (if my two feet can reach:) ).
In health or PE what is the white board for?
Whenever I leave the class.
Our school nurse is Mrs. Graham. True or False?