What shape has 3 sides?
A Triangle
What is the first thing you should always to do when you get a new paper?
Put your name at the top!
What month is it?
What is the name of a short story or song that ryhmes?
A Nursery Rhyme
Bonus: Can you recite one?
What sound does /qu/ make?
What is the greater number?
7 or 12
Bonus: What is a number less than 7
What do you put inbetween each word?
A Fingerspace
What is the name of our City?
What is the name of a short story that teaches you a simple lesson?
Fable or Folktale
What sometimes makes the /z/ sound at the end of a word?
Fill in the missing numbers:
13, 14, _, 16, _, 18
15 and 17
Where do we put the period on a sentence?
At the end
What is my Favorite Food?
Trail Mix!!!!
Name a type of severe Weather.
Thunderstorm, Hurricane, Blizzard, Tornado, Hail, ect.
Sound out and read the following word:
Eat your Lunch!
Bonus: What is another word with ch at the end?
12 - 4 = ?
When do we use a capital letter in a sentence?
At the beginning.
Bonus: What else do we capitalize?
Who are the two 1st Grade Teachers?
Good Job!!!!
What kind some of the different tools a famer might use? Name at least 3.
Shovel, pitchfork, posthole digger, drill, tractor, far truck etc.
What are the 3 ways to make the /k/ sound?
/c/ as in Cat
/k/ as in kangaroo
/ck/ as in Clock
Count Backwards from 10!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Blastoff!
Think of a sentence using at least two sight words!
Good luck!!!
I am here.
What does Kindergarten mean?
Child garden because you have all grown into big kids!
What were Columbus's Three Ships?
The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria
What are the 5 Vowels?
A, E, I, O, and U