This number comes after 10.
What is 11?
what color is spelled b l u e?
What grade do you go to after Kindergarten?
This letter is the 10th letter of the alphabet.
What is "J"?
These are words that you should always remember to use when you bump into someone.
What is excuse me?
This is the number that comes after the number 19.
What is 20
what color is tomato?
What is red?
what is our music teacher's name?
Mrs. Fyfee
This letter is the first vowel in the alphabet.
What is "A"?
Who is our principal?
Mrs. Bierlein
5 + 1
What is 6?
this is the color of the moon
What is white?
banana banana
This letter is the first letter of "kid".
What is "k"?
what day was yesterday.
What is Sunday?
What is 5?
what color is eggplant?
What is purple?
what comes next?
A, B, C, ......
This letter is the last letter in "dog".
What is "g"?
What season has pumpkins?
What is fall?
This number comes after twelve.
What is thirteen?
mashed potatoes and......?
This letter is the first letter of "santa".
What is "s"?
what day is tomorrow?
What is "Tuesday"?