Solve this number sentence!
3 + 3 = ?
What is 6
Solve this number sentence!
4 - 1 = ?
What is 3
How much are four pennies worth?
What is 4 cents
What are words that end in -ot
What is dot, cot, hot, pot, or tot
If today is Friday, what day is it tomorrow?
What is Saturday
Solve this number sentence!
6 + 3 = ?
What is 9
Solve this number sentence!
5 - 2 = ?
What is 3
How much is a nickel and a penny worth?
What is 6 cents
What are words that end in -ob
What is sob, rob, cob, job, or Bob
If today is Wednesday, what day is it tomorrow?
What is Thursday
Solve this number sentence!
13 + 3 = ?
What is 16
Solve this number sentence!
7 - 3 = ?
What is 4
How much are five pennies worth?
What is five cents
What are words that end in -op
What is cop, hop, pop, mop, or top
If today was Monday, what day was it yesterday?
What is Sunday
Solve this number sentence!
17 + 3 = ?
What is 20
Solve this number sentence!
8 - 5 = ?
What is 2
How much is a quarter worth?
What is 25 cents
What are words that end in -og
What is dog, hop, log, jog, or frog
If today was Tuesday, what day was it yesterday?
What is Monday
Solve this number sentence!
14 + 6 = ?
What is 20
Solve this number sentence!
14 - 3 = ?
What is 11
How much is a dime worth?
What is 10 cents
What are words that end in -ock
What is sock, clock, lock, block, or rock
If today is Wednesday, what day will it be in 2 days?
What is Friday