Fear, extreme joy, excitement, sadness, or frustration
Strong emotions some children will experiences when thinking about kindergarten
This area is turned into a kindergarten classroom
What is dramatic play
The child’s first and most important teacher
Who is the parent?
Showing children a photo of a kindergarten classroom, and two other rooms such as a restaurant and post office. What is my question of the day?
Which of these is like a kindergarten Classroom?
Activity about list of site visit predictions (Focus Question One)
Mighty Minute 33- Thumbs Up
Questions for Kindergarteners from the children in your classroom
What is the kindergarten field trip
Name of the resource Head Start teachers give to parents at May’s home visit.
What is ‘A Family’s Guide to Kindergarten?’
You share an experience with children from a time when you felt nervous. What is your question of the day?
Have you ever felt nervous?
During this week I will discuss feelings about kindergarten during large group time
Week 2- How do we feel about going to Kindergarten
Gymnasium, PE, Library, Computer Lab, Lunchroom
What are areas in an elementary school
Give me things to sort by shape, size, color. I am building what
What is ‘math development’ or ‘math skills’
My neighbor was sick, so I took her soup. Ask children how they show others they care. What is my question of the day?
How do you like to show kindness to someone?
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, Kindergarten Here I Come, Kindergarten Rocks
Question of the Day- Which book would you like to read? (Offer 3 choices of books about going to kindergarten)
Washing the dolls, putting blocks away, organizing the classroom
Activities to be done the last week of school to help children understand the Head Start is almost over
If children use basic feeling words such as happy, sad, or mad introduce them to more complex words for those feelings such as delighted, moody, or upset. What is my question of the day?
How do you feel today?
Memories, Expression, Cooperate
What are vocabulary words for the week of How do we make and keep friends in kindergarten
Put together a chart with each child’s picture and where they are going.
How you will show children that are going to kindergarten and children that are returning to HS next year
She is the author of the book The Kissing Hand?
Who is Audrey Penn
Encourage children to share what they remember most or what they like the best. What’s my question of the day?
Which was your favorite study this year?