How much does kindness cost?
Helping others is a great way to be ______.
Kind or polite
A smile from you can help a friend feel better. True or False
What should you do if you see a lost or hurt animal?
Try to find their owner, take care of them.
Which fruit does SpongeBob live in?
Kindness makes your heart feel....
Daily Double for 400 points!
True or False: You only need to be kind to people you like.
Ignoring your friend or classmate is a way to be kind. True or False
What could you do to be kind to the environment?
Pick up trash, conserve energy, recycle
Where is the White House located?
Washington, D.C.
It makes you feel ______ when someone is unkind to you.
sad, lonely
angry, miserable
upset, frustrated, disappointed
Finish this sentence: _______ may I have more water? ______ ______.
Thank you
Daily Double for 600 points!
When your friend is upset what could you do?
Something to make them feel better.
How could you show kindness to an older person?
help with groceries, mow their lawn, help across the street, etc.
Which dwarf from Snow White mixes up his words?
What can you wear every day to show people kindness?
A smile!
Sophia is feeling grumpy and is rude to everyone at her at school. When we feel grumpy it's okay to be rude to others and make them feel the way we feel. True or False?
False. It's okay to have grumpy days (we all do!), but it's not okay to be unkind to others. When you're feeling grumpy, what are some things you can do to feel better?
When you treat someone unkindly, what is the main emotion that you are feeling?
Daily Double for 800 points!
What does this phrase mean?
Pay it forward
When someone does something kind for you, you are supposed to do something kind for someone else.
Name a mammal that can't jump
Elephant, sloth, hippo, rhino
Daily Double for 1000 points!
Say something kind about yourself.
Say something kind about your teacher.
Say something kind to the person next to you.
Say something kind about an adult at your school who is NOT your teacher.
Do a Happy dance!
will vary!