How much does kindness cost?
How can you use your manners?
Say "Please" or "Thank you"
Say "Excuse me" if you get in someone's way
Pick up after yourself
A smile from you can help a friend feel better. True or False?
Does being kind make you a superhero or a villain?
A superhero!!
Kindness makes your heart feel....
True or False: You only need to be kind to people you like.
Ignoring your friend or classmate is a way to be kind. True or False?
Why should you be kind to everyone and not just your friends?
Because you would want them to be kind to you
Because that is the right thing to do
You might help them have a good day
It makes you feel ______ when someone is unkind to you.
sad, lonely
angry, miserable
upset, frustrated, disappointed
How can you ask for something from someone else?
Thank you
When your friend is upset what could you do?
Ask them what is wrong
Give them a hug
Ask them to play with you or sit by you at lunch
Make them a card or picture
Name something you do to help out around your house.
Take out trash
Unload dishwasher
Clean up after dinner
Carry in groceries
What can you wear every day to show people kindness?
A smile!
Sophia is feeling grumpy and is rude to everyone at her at school. When we feel grumpy it's okay to be rude to others and make them feel the way we feel. True of False?
False. It's okay to have grumpy days (we all do!), but it's not okay to be unkind to others. When you're feeling grumpy, what are some things you can do to feel better?
You bumped into someone while playing at recess. They fell over. What should you do?
Tell them that you are sorry
Ask if they are ok
Help them up
Your friend Joey is mad at your friend Matt. Joey says if you talk or play with Matt then he won't be your friend anymore. What should you do?
Tell Joey that he is not being very nice. Explain that we can all be friends.
Name a way you can be kind to others.
Open the door for them
Smile at them
Say "Hello"
Help them
Share with them
Name 2 important rules in the classroom.
Stay in your seat
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Follow directions
Don't talk while others are talking
Name something kind a friend has done for you.
Helped me with something
Played with me at recess
Sat with me at lunch
Invited me to their house or birthday party
Shared with me
How can you avoid being unkind to someone?
I can pay attention to my body and brain, think about how I am feeling and make a good choice.