Is making your bed kind?
How can you show kindness within the community?
Meals on Wheels, Christmas/Valentines cards, picking up trash, etc.
At school you should start your day with a smile. True or False
Sharing is .....
Should you be kind to ALL strangers?
Your parent is stuck in bed and feeling very ill. How can you show them kindness?
individual answers
What actions show that you are a kind person?
smiling, helping, manners, sharing, nice words, not arguing.
Name two ways you can show kindness towards your teacher.
1. listen to directions
2. speak kindly/don't argue
Ignoring others is a way to be kind. True or False
How much does kindness cost?
How do you handle someone who is upsetting you at home?
How SHOULD you handle someone who is upsetting you at home??
**Double points!
various answers
Give someone a kind/positive comment.
Answers will vary
You should _______ say please and thank you at school.
You only need to be kind to people that you like....True or False?
What can you wear every day to show people kindness
A smile.
How should you treat people at home?
Name 3 ways someone has shown you kindness.
Does treating people unkindly make your problems bigger or smaller?
When your friend is upset what should you do?
Something to make them feel better.
When people are unkind you feel....
What can you do at home be kind?
Various answers
Name 3 kinds of reactions that you can have when someone is not kind to you
1. Be kind to them always.
2. Be unkind to them in return
3. Tell a trusted adult about your problem
What is the Golden rule?
Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
Why should you treat your friends the same?
Because everyone is special or because how you would want to be treated.
Kindness is easy to......