What is something you can do to help a friend who looks sad?
"Give them a hug or ask if they are okay?"
What should you do if you see someone working hard in class?
Tell them, 'Great job!'
give them a smile or a thumbs up
What is one expectation you have in the hallway?
- be quiet, stay in line, walking feet
What is one word that can make someone feel happy?
Nice job, thank you, I am proud of you, or giving a compliment
what is the golden rule?
Treat others the way you want to be treated
What is one way to show kindness to a new student?
invite them to sit with you or ask if they need help
What is a kind way to ask for help from a teacher?
excuse me or raise your hand
could you please help me
Why is it important to raise your hand in class?
It shows that you are waiting for your turn and respecting others' speaking time?
What does it mean to use polite words?
Please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry
it is also important to talk in a polite tone
If you see someone being treated unfairly, what can you do?
get a teacher
What can you do for a classmate who forgot their lunch?
go get them a school lunch
offer to help them find their teacher
If someone is having trouble with a task, what can you do?
Offer to help them or explain the task to them
How can you show respect during lunch?
throw away your food and trash
raise your hand
stay seated when eating
How can we apologize if we say something mean?
Say 'I’m sorry' and explain that you didn’t mean to hurt them, ask if you can bring them to the nurse or get them an ice pack or bandaid
What is something nice you can do for a teacher?
Say thank you, or help them with something or give them a compliment
If you see someone drop something, what should you do?
Pick it up and return it to them
How can you show kindness during group work?
Listen, share ideas, and help each other.
What does it mean to be quiet when the teacher is speaking?
It means you are listening and being respectful
How can you encourage a friend who is nervous?
Tell them ‘You can do it!’ or ‘I believe in you!’"
How can you make someone feel better when they're sad?
offer to talk to them or give them a hug
What can you do when you see someone being left out?
Include them in your group or activity?"
What should you do if a classmate shares their work with you?
Say thank you for helping
Why should we wait our turn?
Because everyone deserves a fair chance to speak and be heard
What should you say if you hurt someone's feelings by accident?
Apologize and tell them you didn’t mean to hurt them or say you will use kinder words next time
What can you do to make your friend feel special on their birthday?
make them a card, sing happy birthday, wish them happy birthday