What could you do l if you saw someone left out of a game
Invite them to play!
Go start a new game with them.
Ask them if there is game they like to play that the team could try.
How could you help someone having difficulty in class.
Offer to help them
Share your class notes
Offer to play with them
What does it mean if you have butterflies in your stomach
If you saw someone angry in class what could you do to brighten their day
Write them a nice note
Talk to them
If you saw someone at school tease a kid about the way they are dressed, what should you do
Tell them to ignore the teasing and walk away
Tell a teacher what happened
Stand up for them
If you are having an argument at school should you try to fix the problem yourself or tell a teacher right away
Try to fix the problem yourself first and then if you cannot tell a teacher
Name two acts of kindness that can be performed at school
Answers will vary
What should you do if your two friends are telling secrets in front of you.
First ask them to stop and then if they don't stop see if a teacher can help you