Where did the concept of physical education begin?
Ancient Greece
Academic performance is positively linked to
Physical Activity
The CA State PE Standards are the:
Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools
Kicking, dribbling, and catching are examples of-
Manipulative Skills
Hunger, violence, and emotional abuse are examples of health factors linked to
Poor Academic Performance
What is the National organization that advocates for health and physical education and used to be called AAHPERD?
SHAPE America
According to health authorities, how much physical activity should children and teens engage in?
60 minutes a day
What are the duties of a teacher when teaching physical education?
Lesson planning and instruction, positive role modeling, Safety and Liability
Leaping, fleeing, and galloping are examples of
Locomotor Skills
What is Dodge Ball an example of?
An inappropriate game
What do the letters in SHAPE America Stand for?
Society of Health and Physical Educators
Comprehensive school health education helps students to
improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health risk behaviors
High-quality physical education programs should address how many National Standards
All 5
How many minutes of PE are Elementary Students legally mandated to receive?
200 minutes every 10 days
One of the biggest obstacles to teaching health in the elementary classroom is
Instructional Time
True or False: Physical Activity is Physical Education
Currently, what are the leading causes of death among Americans?
heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, injuries
What are you engaging in if you are doing the following:
Active Supervision
What type of skill practice is performed in a predictable environment?
Closed Skill Practice
something (i.e., a need or desire) that causes a person to act is the definition of:
"Any bodily movement that increases energy expenditure and enhances fitness" is a definition of
Physical Activity
Differences in health pertaining to income, education level, and neighborhood environments are known as-
Health Disparities
Noninstructional Tasks
What type of skill practice is performed in changing, unpredictable environments?
Open Skill Practice
Are all examples of-
behavior management techniques
"A process of learning that uses physical activity as the catalyst" is the definition of-
Physical Education
According to the National Physical Education Standards, what is the purpose and goal of physical education?
To develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity
Are Elementary Teachers credentialed to teach students PE in their classes?
Yes, if they hold a general education elementary teaching credential
Failure to act in a reasonable and responsible manner, often leading to injury- is the definition of:
Are examples of
Positive Behavior Management
What is the name of our CA state PE organization?
CAHPERD: California Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
High-quality physical education programs:
improve children's health and foster lifelong physical activity habits
How may SHAPE America National Standards are there?
Adjust or modify activities
Demonstrate competence with the content
Grouping considerations, esp. for contact-type activities
Keep activities within the skill levels of students
Provide accurate technique demonstrations and explanations
These are all related to a teacher's....
Duty: Teacher has a legal duty to perform
Breach of duty: Teacher did not perform a legal duty (nonfeasance or misfeasance or malfeasance)
Actual harm: Physical or emotional injury results
Proximate cause: The teacher’s breach of duty directly resulted in injury
Monetary damage was verified
Are all factors of: