1-D Kinematics
2-D Kinematics
Provide a mathematic definition for the following: distance, acceleration, velocity, speed
Consider image A on your handout. What is the velocity and acceleration at t=3.5 seconds?
velocity = 2m/s acceleration = 0m/s/s
Two children are playing marbles on the second floor roof of the local school. One of the marbles rolls under the protective fence and begins to fall to the ground 5.0m below. How fast will the marble be moving after 0.43 seconds?
A confused lobster is trying to escape a hungry cook. The lobster is traveling at 0.54m/s when it reaches the edge of a 30.5m cliff. 2.49s after leaping from the edge of the cliff, the lobster lands in the water 1.3 m from the cliff's base. Complete a 2-D T-chart for this situation.
Consider image B on your handout. (a) describe the movement of the object which will create this graph. (b) How far will an object be able to travel between t=3 and t=6s?
An object is slowing down. When it reaches 2m/s the object will maintain that velocity for 3 seconds before beginining to turn around aith a constant velocity
Provide a term describing each of the following: (a) how fast something travels (b) the rate of a velocities change. (c) the rate of a position’s change
(a) speed (b) acceleration (c) velocity
Consider image A on your handout. Create a whiteboard depiction of this motion on a velocity-time graph.
Courtney is riding her trusty emu at a steady pace of 2.5 m/s when suddenly Will yells scaring Courtney’s emu. For the next 25 meters Courtney’s emu accelerates at a constant rate until traveling at 5m/s. How long did it take Courtney’s emu to reach its new velocity?
Two children are playing marbles on the second floor roof of the local school. One of the marbles rolls under the protective fence and begins to fall to the ground 5.00m below. How long will it take the marble to strike the ground?
A rifle is capable of projecting its shell a horizontal distance of 520m every second. The rifle is brought to Jupiter where the gravity has a value of 24.79m/s/s., Assuming the rifle is still able to fire what will happen to the horizontal distance traveled per second?
Nothing Vh=520m/s
A circus clown is juggling flaming bowling balls on his unicycle. What is the value of the balls’ acceleration at the peak of its trajectory?
On Io gravity has a value of 1.796m/s/s. If a tennis ball were dropped from a height of 13m how long would it take to reach the ground?
A herd of bison are ran off the horizontal edge of a 20.m cliff. If the bison landed 10.m from the base of the cliff, how fast were they traveling when they began to fall?
Woody uses RC to push Buzz out the second story window a height of roughly 6.5m above the ground. If buzz left the window with a speed of 0.54m/s (a) How long did it take him to reach the ground? (b) How far from the house will Buzz land?
(a) t=1.2 s (b)0.62m
An object is released from rest on planet Glom. Glom has no atmosphere. In the first 3 seconds the object is able to accelerate to a downwards velocity of 45m/s. What is the value of gravity on Glom?
When on an incline a cart will accelerate. Increasing the angle will increase that acceleration. What is the theoretical limit of this increase on the planet Earth? WHY?
amax=g=9.8m/s/s. On an incline the acceleration is being caused by a component/piece of gravity. At the vertical position gravity is able to pull in its prefered direction and so at its greatest strength.
The Andromeda accelerates uniformly from rest to light speed (2.99x10^8 m/s) in a distance of 5.4km. (a) What is the ship’s average acceleration? (b) How far has the ship traveled in this time? Neglecting relativity.
(a) a=8.3x10^12m/s/s (b) s=8.97x10^8m
Two children are playing marbles on the second floor roof of the local school. One of the marbles rolls under the protective fence and begins to fall to the ground 4.5m below. The marble lands 2.5m from the side of the building. (a) How long will it take the ball to reach the ground? (b) With what horizontal velocity did the marble leave the roof?
(a) t=0.96s (b) vh=2.6m/s
Olivia is swimming across a 10.m wide river. It takes her 30.s to make the journey. When she arrives on the other side of the river she finds she has moved 15m downstream of where she began her swim. (a) What is Olivia’s displacement? (b) What was Olivia’s average speed?
(a) s=18m (b)v=0.60m/s
Displacement, velocity and acceleration all have directional components as well as magnitudes. Consider the motion of an apple being tossed into the air. How do the components compare? I.E. describe the direction and magnitudes (amounts) of each as time passes.
Displacement: direction will always be upward. The magnitude will increase at a slowing rate until a maximum displacement is reached at the peak. It will then begin to shrink in magnitude until the apple returns to the hand at which point it is zero. Velocity: Direction starts upward decreasing at a constant rate until zero velocity is reached at the peak. Then the velocity begins to increase in the downward direction. Acceleration: a constant value of 9.8m/s/s in the downward direction for the entire journey.
A Russian cosmonaut traveling in a rocket toward a black hole at 350.m/s releases a rubber ducky just turning for safety. If ducky experiences an average acceleration of 150.m/s/s (a) How fast will the duck be traveling after 40.0meters? (b) how long will it take the ducky to reach a velocity of 400m/s?
(a) v=367m/s (b) 0.333s
A stone is dropped from a plane flying over level ground at a velocity of 90.5m/s in the horizontal direction. At the instant the stone is released the plane begins to accelerate horizontally at 0.75 m/s/s. If the flare takes 3.75s to reach the ground (a)How high is the plane flying? (b) What is the horizontal displacement of the stone from its release point? (c) What will be the horizontal distance between the plane and the stone's impact point?
(a) sv=69m (b) sh=340m (c)5.3m
An orange is launched vertically with the air of a rocket engine that accelerates the orange at an average acceleration of 24m/s/s for 2.75s. After which time the orange begins to slow and finally returns to the ground. (a) What is the speed of the orange after the 2.75s engine burn? (b) What is the maximum height the rocket will reach (be careful).
(a) 66m/s (b) 310m