- The horizontal plane dividing the body into upper and lower portions
Also called "Horizontal Plane"
What is a Transverse Plane?
- Pertaining to one side of the body
What is a Unilateral?
- Rotation of the hip or shoulder towards the midline
What is Internal Rotation?
- Turning of the sole of the foot outwards
What is Eversion?
- Movement of the thumb across the palm of the hand
What is Opposition?
- The plane dividing the body into front and back portions
Also called: "Coronal Plane"
What is a Frontal Plane?
- Refers to a structure being closer to the midline or median plane of the body than another structure
What is Lateral?
- Rotation of the hip or shoulder away from the midline
What is External Rotation?
- Turning the sole of the foot inwards
What is Inversion?
- Movement of the wrist towards the radius or internal sides
What is Radial Deviation?
- The plane dividing the body into right and left portions
- This term combined with "Mid" is for dividing the plane into equal halves
What is a Sagittal Plane?
- Refers to a structure being closer to the midline or median plane of the body than another structure
What is a Medial?
- Excessive extension of the parts at a joint beyond anatomical position
What is Hyperextension?
- Ankle movement bringing the foot towards the shin
What is Dorsil Flexsion?
- Movement of the wrist towards the ulna or medial side
- Refers to a structure being closer to the core of the body than another structure
What is Deep?
- Ankle movement pointing the foot downwards
What is Planter Flexsion?