The Passing of Arthur
Sir Launcelot du Lake
Gawain and the Green Knight
The Tale of Sir Gareth
The Lady of Shalott

Why does King Arthur leave his kingdom to go to France at the beginning of the tale?

He is pursuing Lancelot for having an affair with his wife, Guinevere.


What does it mean when the text says that Launcelot "had sworn oathes of fidelity" to Queen Guinevere?

He has sworn has sworn to honor and protect her. He has sworn loyalty to her.


What time of year is it when the Green Knight comes to challenge the knights of King Arthur's court?

It is new years.


What is the name that Sir Gareth goes by for the majority of the tale?



Why does the Lady of Shalott stay locked up in a tower all of the time?

She has been cursed and she will die if she leaves.


Who comes to Arthur in a dream to warn him about his death if he fights Sir Mordred?



Why does the final knight that Launcelot fights, hate Launcelot above all other knights?

Launcelot killed his brother Sir Carados.


What challenge does the Green Knight make to Sir Gawain?

He challenges him to a blow for blow contest. Gawain will get to strike the Green Knight first as long as he agrees to let the Green Knight return the blow after.


This knight is Sir Gareth's brother but does not recognize him when he arrives at King Arthur's court.

Sir Gawain


How is the Lady of Shalott able to look out her window to watch what is going on in the word outside of her tower?

She looks into a mirror that reflects the images outside her window.


What prevents King Arthur and Sir Mordred from finalizing their treaty?

A knight draws his sword at the meeting to kill an adder that has bit his ankle and everyone begins to fight one another.


What is the name of the knight who Launcelot must fight at the end of the tale?

Sir Tarquine


How long does Sir Gawain have until he must go to face the Green Knight?

One year and one day.


What is the name of the knight who is put in charge of Sir Gareth and regularly mistreats him because he does not believe Sir Gareth is of noble birth?

Sir Kay


What knight does The Lady of Shalott see outside of her window, that ultimately causes her to leaver her tower?

Sir Lancelot


What is the name of the knight that King Arthur asks to throw Excalibur back into the lake?

Sir Bedivere


How is Launcelot able to escape after he is captured by Morgan le Fay?

A young noblewoman releases him so that he can fight for her father in an upcoming tournament.


What agreement does Gawain make with Sir Bertilak in exchange from Sir Bertilak offering hospitality to Gawain?

He agrees to exchange anything that the men receive at the end of each day.


What abilities does the enchantment that is on the Red Knight give him?

His strength increases until noon when he has the strength of seven men and wanes after noon.


What activity does the Lady of Shalott complete day and night?



What mythical place is Arthur taken to at the end of the tale?

Avilion or Avalon


How many knights does Sir Launcelot when he fights on behalf of King Bagdemagus in the tournament?

He defeats 37 or 38 knights depending on your interpretation.


What magical item does Gawain receive from Lady Bertilak, what color is it, and what does it do?

He receives a green girdle or belt that will protect the wearer from harm.


What is the name of Lady Lynet and Lady Lyoness' brother who steals Sir Gareth's companion?

Sir Gryngamour


How are the people of Camelot able to identify The Lady of Shalott when she arrives dead in a boat?

She has carved her "The Lady of Shalott" into the stern of the boat.
