how many kids did he have?
atleast 21
what was he planning to do with France
he wanted to build up France and make the economy
his mother was anne of
What religion was king louis XIV
even when king louis was married he _____ on his wife
when was he born
September 5, 1638
what did he want to do for manufactures
he helped support them and make them grow
what is king louis birth day
september 5
how old was king louis when he took over the throne
four years old
king louis was ______ as a child
when did he die
September 1, 1715 (age 76 years)
what was his plan with the trade ?
he was planning to boost the trade to get more and differnt product
What year was king louis born
where was king louis born
what was king louis successful in ___and ___affairs
internal and forgin
What was king louis hair colour
who was his parents
Louis XIII, Anne of Austria
what did he do for the military
He supported and gave them funds to test better equipment
king louis invaded the
spanish netherlands
what did king louis spend widley money on
How tall was king louis
what were his nicknames
Louis the Great, Sun King
he wanted to make France better what did he do
he improved the French policy
where was he born
King louis built onto the palace of
what happed to king louis when he was alone with one watching him
almost drowned